Smoking, drinking, abortion, but I know I am a good girl.

Clementine 2022-11-04 03:06:21

My favorite in the main drama is the legal drama, because usually this kind of drama will smash and rebuild my three views again and again, and I enjoy this process very much (going farther and farther on the road of shaking m) .
But this film gave me a very different feeling. While chasing the drama, I was also thinking about what made me feel different.
I didn't find the answer until the end of S1. The intern Nick broke into the ongoing court with evidence that could reverse the outcome of the trial and handed the evidence to the judge. When he started to plead, the judge who looked disgusted only said one sentence. "We are not in America. Mr Slade, we dont do walking and talking."
Yes, the lawyers in this show except RPJ are just trying their best to present the facts, they don't make themselves a glamorous actor, It will not turn court into its own stage, nor will jury and the judge be regarded as audiences who should cooperate with their performances. They all regard themselves as the embodiment of justice, and everything they do is only to make justice truly realized in the courtroom, rather than deliberately making themselves the so-called stars in the courtroom.
In this group of people, Martha is the most perfect one, so perfect that there is no flaw. In court, she is a queen who only insists on presenting the truth whether in the prosecution or the defense, and outside the court she is a girl with a strong appearance and a weak heart. At the end of E02 listening to "Bring it
one home to me", she was hugging and crying like a kitten hiding in the corner and licking her wound. I will probably remember this scene for the rest of my life.
A good girl will always wait for the person who loves her like life. If she is good like Martha, there will be three men who will take care of her together.

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