back to reality

Kylie 2022-04-21 08:01:09

Marissa is dead, that is the end of the story. I know Ryan will accept it after all, but I don't really know whether I can handle it. So I decide to leave the orange county before the terrible thing happen. It maybe not a happy ending story, but I choose it as a happy ending story in my mind, because it means too much to me.

The image stopped when the four were taking the graduation ceremony photos. The smile on their faces is something I will miss so much and the last thing that I expect which may disappear.

The high school years of theirs may be far different from ours, but it still rock the memory so deeply inside.

However life in Newport is just a dream on screen, while the life in Shashi is the memory belongs to yesterday.

Back to reality, no matter how hard it will be. We are making our own life live happily ever after.

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The O.C. quotes

  • Julie: [Gus is peeing outside near her trailer] Real classy, Gus.

    Gus: It's them big gulps. They go right through me. Sneak up on me too.

    Julie: That's a *nice* final image.

  • Summer: Your comic has turned these two idiots into idiots.

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