"The Killing of Munich" film review

Elyse 2022-12-30 01:00:55

"The Killing of Munich" is one of the only two movies I have made to go to the cinema in recent years. As a viewer who doesn't even know much about basketball, I initially chose to watch its movies out of curiosity. Before reading it, I searched the introduction and knew that this was a story with a lore in the last three seconds. In fact, I was still curious about how to attract audiences to spend two hours watching a story that knew the ending. One of the things that attracts me most about competitive sports is that it will never admit defeat until the last moment of the game, and in the arena, there is never an absolute winner. The initial favorable impression of "The Killing of Munich" is entirely because it is one of the few sports-themed stories. Although I don't watch basketball games much, this film can really be called "exploding". I won’t write a formal film review, but let’s talk about a few scenes from the film that moved me. When I first took over, while the previous coach was still speaking, the chairman had already walked into the field, and the coach pulled the chairman out of the field. When training, there are endless repetitions, and there is no chance to catch your breath when you are tired. The bouncing shots are really cool, and the actors should be really hard. The shot of Sasha lying on a hospital bed made me cry. And at the wedding, after the coach finished drinking, he glanced at the players, and the players had to put down their glasses obediently. In the semi-finals, the coach who let go of the whole process. When the chairman proposed to retire so as not to lose to the US team, "The terrible thing is that you stole our basketball, we have nothing left." There is also a very touching point that there are many repeated dialogues in the film. It's really interesting to say it in different scenarios. For example, "Pass it on to Sergey when he's in trouble, he knows what to do." This was originally said by Sergey to the coach the night before he went to the game, and again, the coach was right Players speak. Also, "Basketball is a gentleman's game." The same sentence, spoken by the same person in two different games. And, "When is a brother?" "Always, only I understand." The same question and answer, the questioner becomes the answerer. And in the final, the closed-eye pass after the contact lens fell off, and the closed-eye pass from the coach's son. Including many scenes with obvious contrasts in the film, in the final, the aura of the US team on the stage was completely different from the appearance of the Soviet team; when the midfielder went to the lounge, the momentum of the two teams obviously changed. Yes, including the two teams guarding outside the locker room, I feel that many shots express rich content. For the first time, the coach who was fighting for the last three seconds, and the coach who put on clothes after the three seconds were over; the chairman who wanted to give up the game, and the chairman who finally fought with the referee for a replay; "We have won Two times, we will win them again.” The coach of the US team, and the coach who refused to accept the referee in the end... What I liked very much was the smiles and glances between the players when they played for the last time. He also liked the last long pass very much. When the coach in front asked him about his hit rate and the hit rate of passing the ball to his teammates, he looked blank. There are also a lot of laughs, "I can't pronounce the names of these Russians in my life." "What did these people grow up on?" Sergey is really handsome and confident on the field, and there are many small actions in the camera. It's really hard not to like it. There is also the scene of Sergey being thrown by No. 9 in the second half. It's really distressing! ! But after he came off the court, he told the coach not to be impulsive, which really irritated me. And his sentence "This is the honor of my life" in the last three seconds is so tearful. The scene that Sasha couldn't hold back later was so cool! The ball hurts so much. The socialist brotherhood is really good, whether it's Sergey's free throw in the last minute, or when Sergey finally won the game and cried, Paulaskas appeared so coincidentally! ! These two brothers are really good, the brotherhood cannot be envied! ! In fact, Sasha has a lot of small expressions, I think they are quite interesting, I don't know if it is because of slow motion. Competitive sports may be really attractive. Sergey is really handsome and confident on the field, and it's really hard not to like the little actions in many shots. There is also the scene of Sergey being thrown by No. 9 in the second half. It's really distressing! ! But after he came off the court, he told the coach not to be impulsive, which really irritated me. And his sentence "This is the honor of my life" in the last three seconds is so tearful. The scene that Sasha couldn't hold back later was so cool! The ball hurts so much. The socialist brotherhood is really good, whether it's Sergey's free throw in the last minute, or when Sergey finally won the game and cried, Paulaskas appeared so coincidentally! ! These two brothers are really good, the brotherhood cannot be envied! ! In fact, Sasha has a lot of small expressions, I think they are quite interesting, I don't know if it is because of slow motion. Competitive sports may be really attractive. Sergey is really handsome and confident on the field, and it's really hard not to like the little actions in many shots. There is also the scene of Sergey being thrown by No. 9 in the second half. It's really distressing! ! But after he came off the court, he told the coach not to be impulsive, which really irritated me. And his sentence "This is the honor of my life" in the last three seconds is so tearful. The scene that Sasha couldn't hold back later was so cool! The ball hurts so much. The socialist brotherhood is really good, whether it's Sergey's free throw in the last minute, or when Sergey finally won the game and cried, Paulaskas appeared so coincidentally! ! These two brothers are really good, the brotherhood cannot be envied! ! In fact, Sasha has a lot of small expressions, I think they are quite interesting, I don't know if it is because of slow motion. Competitive sports may be really attractive.

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  • Vladimir Garanzhin: Play for yourself and for Sashka! For yourself and for Sashka!