Vratné lahve(

Cayla 2022-09-19 21:04:13

"Vratné lahve" I don't know much Czech, so I don't know how to translate the title. Some translate it as "Bottle Recycling", some translate it into Prague Etude, and one translates it as "Song of the Sunset". After watching the film, I think the last one is more appropriate. This is indeed an interesting and tight film to make fun of the old man. It is also about sunset red, but fortunately the Czechs use their humor and ridicule to interpret a philosophy of life. , rather than CCTV-style heinous praise or preaching.
The film is one hour and forty minutes. My husband and I laughed for about an hour, and for ten minutes I burst into tears~
The film is from an old man's perspective, discusses the intricate and interdependent relationship between people in this society, and more importantly, an attitude towards life. In fact, I admire the old man's way of dealing with life----"I decided to quit my job because I'm no longer happy here"----he said this many times in my career. , but the current system, the current environment, I can only go on an unhappy career for the damn salary, this is my distorted attitude towards life, and he, an old man who has reached 70 years old Guys, it's so refreshing to change several jobs.
"I dreamed of going to the Nile and crossing the Vltava. I believed many nonsense and I am still confused to this day. I am still confused, even at my age, at my age, I still find No clues to life." What are clues to life? ? Should people live for themselves and live happily for themselves? I think when I'm 50 years old, I'll start working hard for this goal.
The relationship between the old man and his wife is also very interesting. The wife is elegant and kind, but a man is always an animal. Just like his doctor and son-in-law's attitude towards the "hurricane", the old man is also struggling with elegance and beauty. ...... But despite these little episodes, the warmth and precipitation beauty of the old husband and wife can't help but make people sigh. In the dark, I held my husband's hand tightly and asked him: Will this be the case when we get old? My husband just hugged my shoulders and said, "Will you be afraid of riding in a hot air balloon?"

In addition, this film made Prague very gloomy and outdated. Does the director want us not to lose the real sense of life just by immersing in the romantic halo? I don't know~~ But the texture of the rough buildings that are close to life really makes the atmosphere of heaven and earth disappear, replaced by the taste of life that is cordial and accessible, which is actually good.

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