A glass of warm water that never gets cold

Ibrahim 2022-04-22 07:01:54

The film is very delicate, without a lot of sensationalism and very intense emotional impact, a very light and very light glass of warm water, no matter when you drink it, you will never feel cold.

My brother's sacrifice, even with his life, was only because of the promise he made to his soon-to-be-separated father. Small shoulders, take care of the family.
Mom, because she is a mother, even if she has countless sorrows in her heart, she must endure it, because she has to take good care of the children by her side.
The elder brother lived very tired, just because of the promise he made to his father back then, but he gritted his teeth and survived all his life. How can the younger generation understand the grief of the father? My brother is also old, and the family is reunited. In addition to knowing that the lost father will never be found again, he also knows that his father will never come to the "Hafen's House" again to find relatives, and the "Hafen's House" can also let go. Brother's stubbornness, who can understand? ! I will keep my promise to my father for the rest of my life, guarding my family instead of my father, and my sister and my father who are far away. I hope they can come to the "House of Pollen" one day and bring a surprise to my mother and younger siblings. Fortunately, my sister was finally found, and my mother left in peace. Father is never coming back. This pain has been deeply buried in the bottom of my heart. There used to be countless hopes, and countless hopes have been shattered again and again. When my brother is old, he can finally let go, and he can finally let go of his father's shoulders and let his family rely on to embrace his own world freely.

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