The combination of freedom and harmony requires both family and freedom. Humans are such animals.

Casper 2022-10-07 10:48:04

I just watched Ma Jiajue, Nanda Corpse Mutilation Case, I believe there are many similar things, I feel very dark and desperate, maybe because these things have destroyed some unclear beliefs in my heart, basic respect for people, even if it is a dead.
While promoting freedom and blood, this film does not take the pleasure of hurting people and killing people. The screenwriter and director have achieved the unity of contradictions when dealing with it, and did not use any means to achieve the goal. Even after defeating everyone, if the faith in the heart is destroyed, there is only emptiness left.) So it seems that there is no discomfort from the beginning to the end.
Beating people with hands is the most basic instinctive reaction of people when they protect themselves, which made me feel a sense of release in real life. The second Takiya Genji was not so free after defeating the former boss, and had to take on a lot of responsibilities (it's not very comfortable to be the boss), but when he challenged Lin Tianhui at the end, people felt the feeling of freedom.
In the first film, Takiya Genji defeated Serizawa Tama. Director and screenwriter added a lot of factors when dealing with it. The injury of Chen Chuan Shisheng and the joining of the Bando Hideto Group are not compared to who is better and who is worse, but to keep moving forward and dare to The thrill of challenging authority (but in the second part of Genji Takiya except Izaki Shun, I feel a little regretful that no one has challenged him like him. Are people in Lingnan No. 1 Middle School so willing to give in?), as long as people are still alive, everything is It's hard to draw conclusions.
At the beginning of the movie, when Mei Teng was stabbed to death, the background music stopped for a few seconds. Maybe the director asked the audience to reflect on the consequences while feeling the blood (remember that the background music also stopped when the car rushed into the crowd in Fast and Furious 3) After a few seconds, many people will definitely die in reality)

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