break the cocoon

Sidney 2022-12-02 04:41:07

Really hot blooded. As a girl, the family is still burnt to kkk.

In fact, what impressed me the most is that when the head of Yuanzhi and Fengxian was on the rooftop, Iris took the knife and wanted to take the opportunity to end Yuanzhi easily, but the head of Fengxian stopped him. . Some people say that this is because compared to the real society of intrigue, the school violence in the movie is still the last pure land for fair competition. That's why Feng Xian's head and righteousness stopped Iris' despicable actions. But for me, rather than raising this duel to a level of pure land, it is better to understand that only by experiencing the pain of breaking the cocoon can you stand firm on the top of the mountain you desire. This is the phoenix Xiantoutou shouted to Iris, 'Don't you understand? ? 's reason.

Those who really want to stand at the top must understand the importance of that kind of personal pain. Without the pain before breaking the cocoon, there is no strength enough to support the future.

Want to keep going down? Then there is no escape, the pain you use to exchange for the peak.

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