Let's go to blood again for the sake of youth

Antonio 2022-10-29 07:22:37

Youth should be like this, sweat unscrupulously, rush, fight without any worries, do whatever you want to do, and become the person you want to be. "People can't stop, they can only keep moving forward on the path they think is right." So, don't regret that you chose the wrong path, you must listen to your heart. Don't be afraid to waste time, don't be afraid of the unknown, and don't swallow instant chicken soup after the fact.
After being knocked down again and again, I learned how to get up, I have a cherished friendship, I cherish the fetters of blood, and I have a promise that I can do everything in order to fulfill. In the end, I am an excellent adult with such scars.
If you can go back to the past, please be sure to tell me at that time, please stick to it, don’t be afraid of a fraction of those that will happen, please do it bravely according to your truest thoughts.
It's good to be a crow, too, than a bird who forgets that he can still fly.
Don't talk about the future, don't talk about the past. At this moment, those who still have the courage to change are still teenagers.

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