men slaughter

Ian 2022-10-21 23:43:58

Youth is a flowing river, gurgling. Each of us has imagined the era of "HERO" in the process of growing up. No matter how humble and insignificant you are, there will always be an idea in your heart to become powerful and be a superior person. Although it is difficult to be at the peak in the real world, it is not unimaginable in the subconscious.

After half a year, I finally waited for "Hot-Blood High School 2". The opening song is still a blast of rock and roll, and in a certain mood, I like that kind of music with explosions and drums. This is a movie about a high school hot-blooded boy who competes for the top of Lily of the Valley High School and fights against Fengxian High School. Maybe people who watch it for the first time will be very disgusted with this kind of film. Because 80% of it is full of violence. Group fights, singles, bloody, dirty campus... The film is dark, and the tone of the entire film is the hegemony between men. In a world where you are competing with one another, there is power. However, power alone is not the only factor in reaching the top, so I can see the sacrifice of Ryugu Genji (Oguri Shun) for the survival of Suzuran. Although this style is very unlike his ruthlessness, as a big man who provoked Lily of the Valley and Fengxian, he is also responsible for the future of Lily of the Valley. However, he still needs to learn more about his leadership. Just like Quan once taught, he must remember and comprehend the spirit of Lily of the Valley with his heart. --------One person's strength cannot dominate the lily of the valley, nor can it unite the lily of the valley.

If Genji is impulsive and immature. Then Serizawa Tama (played by Yamada Takayuki) is wise and peaceful. As a supporting role, his light even overshadowed Genji. He is small and weak, but he has a strong body, an opponent that cannot be ignored. He took care of Shisheng and the members of Serizawa's team. It is also for the sake of the overall situation to watch events, so Serizawa is a very good teacher. At least Genji should learn.

The characters in it have distinct personalities, and each is not a bad person. Of course, the distinction between bad people and good people is only based on their standpoint, and there is no absolute bad person.

I don't know if other girls like it, but I still like this movie. The battle between men is still very interesting. After all, the youth also had to deal with such thoughts in a certain way. It has nothing to do with love, the movie is a brotherhood, even so, as a female spectator, I appreciate it very much. There was even an urge to join GPS (the team led by Genji) to fight alongside them. It seems that there is something of a boy's blood in the bones, hehe, I guess I gave birth to the wrong child.

I will write this today. After watching those high school students, I miss it again~~~ The youthful years are really good, and doing things is full of passion. But even now we are still young, to paraphrase someone, I am still young to die~~(~ o ~)~zZ

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