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Carmela 2022-10-19 04:59:55

The uncontrollable restlessness, the most primitive animal blood in our body, is the most indescribable cry of life in adolescence.

Talk about "Hot-Blood High School", the road of life's return to the charm.

If you put aside the special effects and background music of the movie, the whole play is just a story of a group of 18-year-old ignorant teenagers fighting in groups. Talking about domination, force, loyalty, politics, power, and war in colleges and universities is ridiculous... If you look at it from an adult's point of view, this is ridiculous. In the eyes of adults, children's war games seem so childish, pale and powerless. But I saw something different.

In order to maintain an objective attitude towards things as much as possible, I learned the analysis method that is detached from the phenomenon, that is, to look at the problem in a shredded way, and one day I suddenly found it very sad, and gradually broke away from the definition of human beings. Is it really human behavior to see everything too real and stand idly by? Can you really see all the truth by wiping out the emotional fluctuations and putting on an attitude of nothing to do with yourself? So, looking at these gangsters with long-toothed and five-claw hairstyles, watching these little gangsters with their heads dyed like skittles, watching the neat school uniforms waving gracefully, watching where their fists touch their faces The so-called ripples of youth that appeared, and the amazing sight of watching blood scattered in the air with the roar of the animal nature... I am extremely fond of the passing season that was gone and never returned.

Of course, I still couldn't avoid my thoughts pulling away. The indifference and obsessive-compulsive disorder that penetrated into my blood like a gangrene caused me to ignore the delicate and ingeniously created film images and plots again. What the hell is this play about? After the sensory stimulation is washed away, what is left? What is the director trying to tell us...? Now I can only try to express his intentions through my own subjective feelings. A myth hidden behind Japanese culture of violence.

I remember my uncle who had lived in Japan for a few years telling me that the mob is the name of the Japanese race, and there are such little gangsters in the streets and alleys of Japan who wear golden hair and black clothes and UnionPay. What does runaway mean? Don't take it literally as violent rampage, the deeper meaning is to lose one's mind, and losing one's mind in the context of rampant is not insanity, but confusion and loss. This is very consistent with the rebellious mentality of teenagers, and it is also very consistent with the modern culture of Japan.

From a historical point of view, Japan is a country greatly influenced by China. As we all know, in the Tang Dynasty, Japan can be said to be completely Sino-Chinese, basically copying all the traditional cultural past of China. In modern times, after being conquered by the United States, the Meiji Restoration was launched, and Western learning was promoted. After experiencing the process of "first shock, second drunk, and finally madness", the culture suddenly became Westernized. At the moment when tradition was about to be destroyed, They are suddenly confused: what am I? what am i doing? Where did I come from? What do I exist in this world for? Where am I going? Where is my final place...? lost. Inevitably lost. In the personal sense, in the regional sense, in the national sense, suddenly lost. Despair caused by not being able to find a way has triggered a wave of suicides. Yukio Mishima, Ryunosuke Akutagawa and even Yasunari Kawabata chose to kill themselves after writing such a great work.


It is true that this topic is too far away from the film "Hot Blood High School", but only through the ghosts hidden behind the cultural and historical appearance can we understand and explain the production of this film. This is a nation without roots. Geographically, island countries make them like boats swaying in the wind and waves, and cultural fluctuations make them unable to find the source of their own civilization. They sadly find that they are just copies of other countries, so they are drunk in their indifference, and in aggression. Emphasizing the existence of "self", but feeling hopeless about life after the defeat, feeling that every road is empty, this body, this country, has no meaning to exist for temples.

Let's go back to the movie scene... In the bar, in the dance hall, the colorful lights on the roof, the hoarse roar of the singer and the psychedelic bass scale, the strong spiritual emptiness in the highly developed material civilization, smoke, alcohol , spoiled goods, junk culture, fast food entertainment, in the end, what will we be left with...? Not to mention teenagers, even us adults often have this myth. Work day after day and earn money. Today, the program of yesterday is mechanically copied, the walking dead go to work, and the tasks and rules assigned by the boss are completed in a disciplined manner. In countless life processes of the same type, I can’t see the difference between myself and others. After seeing successful people, I have a strong sense of jealousy and inferiority in myself, and then I feel powerless to change the status quo. A world of feasting and feasting, paralyzing yourself in psychedelic drugs and alcohol. Speaking of the bar, too, the possibility of thinking is completely interrupted in the deafening rock music, and you can only follow the rhythm... far away.

The top floor covered in graffiti, symbolically defined as the pinnacle of school power, and the flamboyant fonts, in the final scene, compared with the beautifully handwritten diplomas, what a dramatic scene. The wind blew the untightened paper with the sound of hunting, and the characters who were once publicized now have to step into the society, or step into the palace of the university, and embark on their own different paths in life. Once a group of people gathered here, some of the passionate and crazy things that happened here will eventually be stamped with this full stop, sealed, and become a permanent memory in their hearts. There is no way to go back, and the latecomers will also obliterate them all. Only in the gallery of my heart can we appreciate these heart-wrenching histories.

This is the meaning of living, the meaning of existence, isn't it just living and writing down the evidence of existence?

Of course, there is still too much to write, youth, there is too much to write, too much to remember. Passionate blood, there are too many aftertastes, and there are too many meanings that can be defined as meanings. If you haven't experienced the age of blood, you haven't had that kind of myth, you haven't struggled in confusion, you haven't roared in emptiness, and you haven't returned after the beast, you can't return to the charm after the original loss, so as to embark on the real life. own life. These things cannot be seen purely through speculation or guesswork through movies or texts. Perhaps only those who really put themselves in the battlefield can understand them. And this is the purpose of setting the title as children under the age of eighteen who refuse to watch. I am not in favor of actively turning myself into a scoundrel, and I will not advocate or praise such school brawls, but I do yearn for if I still have the opportunity to go back to the past and taste this glass of spirit called youth once again.

In the end, the director ended the movie with a few words, which I also plagiarized as a sloppy ending to this article.

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Not bad, as a crow.

And to those poor birds locked in cages and forgetting how to fly.

Much, much better.

Me, being a crow is enough.

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