The hot-blooded high school series directed by Takashi Miike has a common advantage - the characters and characters are very full, such as a little childish, who wants to reach the peak of Lily of the Valley, surpassing his father's Takiya Genji, and Seri, who has a poor family but is full of kingly spirit. Sawatama Yu, Narumi who values friendship and honor, etc.
The struggle for hegemony within Lily of the Valley is admirable. Their struggle for hegemony is all for honor. In the process of fighting for hegemony, there are no hidden arrows and scheming. In the battle between Lily of the Valley and Fengxian, GPS and Serizawa Corps even abandoned them. The former hatred, united, and fought for the honor of Lily of the Valley (this may be one of the reasons why the second part has a better reputation than the first)
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