Who says girls can't be hot-blooded

Arjun 2022-11-02 02:07:54

God knows how I can be so burning and so excited!

Many comments have said that this film is about the passion and friendship between men, something that women don't have.

When I was in middle school, my parents were in charge of me. I had to study, and I had to take exams. But I also yearn for that kind of righteous, bloody life. Who is not frivolous when he is young, sometimes when he hears someone being bullied by his friends, and who is a little crazy for the first time, he will go out and fight with him. . At that time, everyone also practiced hitting people without hitting their face, so they didn't get too much attention from parents. Fortunately, most of them are students in school, there are no social people, no one uses equipment, and at most they are beaten to a bone fracture, which is not a big deal. No matter how serious it was, my friend had a broken bone. After laying in the hospital for a few days, he came back with a plaster cast. After looking for schools and parents, a group of us stopped for a while.

Everyone has rules. If you have to be inflated, you should be beaten in the face of others, and if you shouldn't be beaten, no one will see you as unhappy. After all, if you don't take care of it, people will have nothing to say to the director. Of course, it's not as upright as in the film, and there are often group fights, but as long as people are soft-hearted, they won't continue to fight.

There is a girl like me. We hug each other all day, play and learn together, fight and fight each other. When we have nothing to do, we brag and laugh at each other. We go to play ball with boys during lunch break. When I was happy, I went to the playground together in the evening. I was really happy, and the teachers laughed and said that we were "unhappy". Although we both have long hair, no one really sees us as women... Until we graduated later, we didn't have much contact, but one day we saw each other on the road, and we were still familiar with each other as if we had just graduated.

When I watched the hot-blooded colleges and universities, I was also eager to try my skills, but the new environment had no chance, and I would never have it again in the future. I can only let this hot blood show some residual warmth in other places. It doesn't matter what you play, what matters is that when you think about it now, you were so young and energetic, and when you had such a bloody time, seeing the movie Hot-blooded High School, you can also overflow with such clear memories and feelings from your heart.

Youth without regrets!

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