Why are you talking about politics, aren't you in politics every day?

Nico 2022-09-04 05:33:27

Love, love, your fists have no love, only anger. "Hot Blood High School 2".
I haven't been in the mood to write anything recently, and I feel like everything except the Champions League is scum.
It is true that this year's Champions League final or the entire year's Champions League plot has killed many types of movies in seconds. Arsenal's defeat is still glorious every year, Barcelona's godfather drama as scheduled (Momo buys, I just think that Milan's penalty should not be called), Inter Milan is destined to decline, and Bayern always has one or two massacres. , Real Madrid "lost to themselves again", Manchester City duo unbelievably fishing in the UEFA Champions League and Europa League at the same time (I feel that they both think the league championship is more reliable), Milan's fragile heart, and the strange performance of the demons, it is very suitable Happened aesthetically and expectantly. Then add Chelsea's incredible, all the screenwriters are weak. In fact, it's not that the screenwriter can't write it, but that if it is really used to make a movie, it will definitely be a bad movie, and the director and screenwriter will also have a reputation for being too hypocritical and too fake. So reality and movies are still different, and reality is always better than movies.
So now back to the theme "Hot Blood High School 2". In fact, there is nothing to say, anyway, it was killed by the Champions League.
The first part solved the contradictions within the school, of course, it has to be changed to the inter-school. Then there is no difference, no matter how powerful the dress of the dragon suit is, it is also a dragon suit. When the handsome guys have this opportunity, of course they have to join forces, and then let's fight. Takiya continued to fight with five health bars, while Serizawa turned into an impressionist, and after the impression of the almost invincible little boss before, there was no bones left. Speaking of Judo, is it not easy to shoot? Why is the buddy of the Judo national team that I want to watch the most soy sauce?
The wonderful thing in the film is the characters, but after the first novelty, these new ones are vulgar, a few are brainless, one is calm, and one is very weak and actually very perverted. Is there any difference between you and Gong Yi?
As for the fight, the screenwriter has the final say. Whoever wins he wants to win, I don't bother to worry about that. Don't you find it boring to see Takiya stand up again and again? Can you still say "Takiya is a cow" and "what level of willpower is Takiya"? Well let's take another example, when you see Zhang Ziyi stand up from the snow after being stabbed a few times by a flying knife in "House of Flying Daggers", what you blurt out is "I wipe this too hard" instead of "A ghost!"?
Of course, there are still advantages. The film tells us a truth, people, say it's okay to fight, don't say kill. I feel sorry for myself when I kill myself, so why must there be the death penalty? What happened to the death sentence? I have many reasons, and I don't want to use this one.
The film is still brazenly paving the way for the sequel, pretending to force the first-year trio for two years, the new leader there and Lin Tianhui, who will never be defeated and will never take action. In fact, it can be understood that this is not an advertisement, but the best explanation for the phenomenon that there is no overlord in Lily of the Valley.
But if one day the damn director makes a sequel, I can only say that you are enough.

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