blood and youth

Rosalind 2022-10-28 02:29:51

On November 20, 2011, I watched these two films again. I still remember the first time I watched it, I was under the duvet in my high school dormitory.

Why some men love rock is because they have a heart that is full of passion and because they are eager to fight. The movie's combination of rock and fight exemplifies this even more. Most of the Japanese films I've seen are tearjerkers for love, but this one is an exception.

Youth, we all have it. So, what is it that fills our youthful years, is it silently immersed in studying hard in the campus, or struggling in a lost love, wandering and thinking under the peony flowers, or doing nothing without complaining and asking for nothing. . How young are you.

Passionate blood is not pure violence control, not just the addition of fists and feet at every turn. Passionate blood is a passion, it is the ambition to starve the meat of the Hulu and laugh at the thirst to drink the blood of the Xiongnu, it is the ambition to start over, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and look up to the sky, it is the backbone of the Xiongnu not to be destroyed, and it is a kind of Never give up fighting spirit!

Youth needs to be watered with blood, so that it will appear more beautiful and moving, and it will feel more youthful.

I remember that every time we got into a fight in school when we were young, the teacher in the office would always preach to us that fighting would not solve the problem. The teacher cares and loves us, but I have to say, this is bullshit. Some problems cannot be solved by fighting, but some problems must be solved by fighting. That teacher must have never fought when he was a child. Even if he did, he would have fought very rarely, and it was very likely that he was the target of the fight.
Ask me why I often fight, there are contradictions, that is three small. Sometimes a fight doesn't need a reason. Fighting and beating each other brings not only physical pain, but more often an emotional catharsis, spiritual strengthening, and spiritual purification. No reason, sometimes you need to fight. Not a bad boy, not a gangster, not a knife or a gun, but a righteous person, everyone is a hero, a gun is a weapon used by the inferior.

I still remember when I watched it for the first time, I was amazed at Serizawa's invincible whirlwind legs and admired it. So I read it over and over again, but I didn't learn it. Even if it does, it can't be done now.
Knowing that the day when Lily of the Valley has no apex is the time when you and I graduate. Today, I haven't fought for a long time, and only in movies or books can I feel the air, sweat and passion.

Youth flows quietly in the river full of blood, and we have left such laughter and loyalty in our years.

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