when we are

Eryn 2022-12-25 12:37:00

Evening waves always hit the beach at the last second before dusk disappears, but this shot is enough to announce the arrival of night.

The film's arrangement of the storyline is very interesting. It does not exaggerate the "sex" to explain the story like other same-sex films. He makes the story happen only between two men. It is this special but seemingly suitable. The logical relationship magnified the ambiguity between the two. A look, a touch, all contain meanings that are not there. Martin's feelings for Eugenio had been revealed from the start. Does Martin really understand rejection? Did he really not understand Eugenio's mind? It's not Eugenio's flirting that made Martin tick, but Martin has been giving Eugenio a chance to make Eugenio tick. Martin's hard-to-find is well reflected at the end, making the glasses man easy to find all the way, which is his unspoken goal. The film also makes a good hint of "balance of love". Martin's kiss was rejected by Eugenio because Eugenio needed Martin's true love rather than a simple repayment, so Martin who came back at the end of the film wore some clothes and his demeanor showed that Martin was no longer the same as at the beginning" poor", reaching the status of being equal to Eugenio in love.

There are so many bibi, in fact, I want to say that this movie is good. Gone.

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