Love this song by Stephen Chow

Kailyn 2022-04-21 09:03:30

"Mrs. Zhi, the villain lives in the city of Suzhou. He has a house and a farm, and his life is boundless. Who knows that Tang Bohu, he is arrogant and merciless. She turned her face with him, and was beaten with a stick by him. My grandmother accused him of cheating the good people, but he was caught in the Tang Mansion, raped a hundred times, a hundred times, and finally she hanged herself and hated the world. My father and son were expelled from their homes and left on the river bank. In order to take care of my father, I had to beg alone in front of the temple. Who knew that Tang Bohu, he was too insidious to know this situation, and sent someone to plot against my father and son mad He was beaten in front of the city, his body was strong, and his life was saved. Poor old father, his soul will go to heaven! This hatred is even more difficult to fill. In order to bury my father, the only way is to sell myself as a slave and make myself cheap. Famous and famous, and the will to kill the enemy is strong! From then on, Tang Yin's poetry collection will be by my side, and I will remember that this hatred is inseparable!!!"

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