"One Piece: Maniac Action" is an animation work for the 20th anniversary of One Piece that was originally written and supervised by Eiichiro Oda. The film tells a story unfolding on the stage of the Pirate Expo, a festival where pirates, navy, and revolutionary army compete for supremacy. It will be released in China on October 18, 2019. The film is based on the "Pirate Expo", a festival where pirates, the navy, and the revolutionary army compete for hegemony. The show is simply a cameo from a super cast. For example, the appearance of Empress, Sabo, Hawkeye, Ace, etc., have added a lot of color to the characters in the play, like an all-star super party from start to finish. Although the character relationships, themes, and plots of the film are basically serialized comics, the all-round interpretation is definitely ignited. There are many highlights in the play. The special effects are perfect, the plot is clear, the rhythm is tight, and the relationship between the characters is clear. From the beginning to the end, the characters have a clear division of labor, and there are no tasteless parts at all. The emotional ups and downs are well grasped, and some of the characters' stalks are still played to the sky.
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