"One Piece"

Kristofer 2022-12-14 01:15:32

"One Piece" 20th Anniversary Edition! The whole process is high, still blood, still wonderful, still brings tears to the eyes. The special effects are very good, the Japanese comic soundtrack is as exciting as ever, and many classic characters in the play reappear, bringing excitement to all Haimi's nostalgia. Is that blue sea really as described in "ONE PIECE", there are so many wonderful adventures, waiting for a group like Luffy to discover and explore... As a film from 1999 A Japanese classic since its inception, "One Piece" has almost become the top 1 of every anime lover. Whether it is the dominance of leading the team, or the indomitable tenacity like rubber, or the kindness that is pure and sincere in dealing with others, or even the optimism that is heartless and gluttonous... What Luffy brings to us , far more than what he showed. Luffy is probably the light in everyone's heart. He is strong and gentle.

Luffy is worth the Straw Hat Pirates is worth "One Piece"?

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