Urinal free throw is king

Gregorio 2022-04-23 06:01:02

This is for us!

A fan, a player, what kind of team owner do you like best?

An owner who loves the team.

That's why when people scold Mark Cuban, they always mention "then, I admit that he is a boss who loves the team..." Then he talks about the thousands of things he has done that make fans disdain. I also hate this person, and only say that sentence when I praise him. He is too arrogant, not cute at all.

Jackie Moon is different. He is also the team's power forward, coach, and owner. He is still an untalented singer. He made his fortune on the song'Love me sexy' that he learned from his mother, and bought this Flint tropics. (Actually, this song is pretty good, if that singer The voice is Will Ferrell’s own, so it’s not a problem for him to make a record.)

As a team forward, he has no back-to-back technique. After taking the ball in the low post, he usually passes to a non-empty position on the outside and then desperately asks for the ball. Ask someone to pass the ball back to him, and if it doesn't work, he will come to a layup. In addition, he has no rebounds, only passing the ball seems okay, of course, he does not have any ball control skills.

As a team coach, he does not understand any offensive and defensive tactics. The training time is to practice the dance at the beginning of the game with the players. When the team calls a timeout, he does not arrange tactics, but to stop the TV broadcast and take the opportunity. Start a fight with the opposing player. But he brought the highest state of the locker room philosophy to the team: Everybody loves everybody.

As the owner of the team, he first found a cheerleading team with higher quality than all NBA teams today. Although he intended to engage with them, he did not succeed. Later, in order for the team to enter the top 4 of the regular season, the Celtics championship member Monix was hired. This person had a leg with the wife of one of his crazy fans, Kyle. Fortunately, Kyle was a wife who looked at him and People who are more excited when others engage in it. In order to attract the audience, Jackie even wrestled with the real bear in the after-show.

In the final battle with the Spurs, Jackie, who worked hard for the team, received two valuable free throw opportunities at the end of the game after gorgeously sending more than ten assists. I saw Sakuragi's shadow and whispered to Jackie when he kissed the ball: With my Sakuragi God, you are not fighting alone! The advantage of urinal free throws is that there is no need to practice, and because the ball flies slowly, the landing point is easier to judge.

Finally, all thrilling basketball games have a lore.

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Extended Reading

Semi-Pro quotes

  • Jackie Moon: There'll be a lotta television cameras out there so we just gotta be tip top.

    Clarence 'Coffee' Black: So what's the plan?

    Jackie Moon: Brought a secret weapon. It's going to make us look extra cool on Tv.

    Bee Bee Ellis: What the hell is that?

    Jackie Moon: It's eyeliner dummy. Now who's first? Monix?

    Monix: Oh yeah... Let me get a fresh Maxi-Pad outta my purse.

  • Jackie Moon: Oh fuck that shit! Spumoni!