sad black humor warm still sad

Isabel 2022-04-20 09:02:37

The music goes great! At the beginning, the scene of extortion by beauties dared to use a refreshing song like "Do You Know", which was somewhat helpless and ironic. On the train, the fierce robbery and robbery in the background is based on the Buddhist Heart Sutra, which reveals a trace of desolation.
This is the second time to watch the film. I originally wanted to revisit Li Bingbing's beauty, but I found it more interesting to watch the details and lines. Li Bingbing's craftsmanship of pulling the sheep together in front of the Potala Palace is so clever and ingenious that it is as charming as jazz dance. Too bad she's the villain.
Silly root is actually not stupid, but upright. He believes too much in the good side of people and does not believe in the existence of evil - he said that he "has no troubles and does not believe in evil". Silly Gen also said: "Wolf doesn't hurt people, can people hurt people?" But this is really what he said.
In terms of his attitude towards honest people, Wang Nan Thief actually sees it very clearly: "Then he must be taught a lesson! Why can't he be on guard? Why can't he be hurt?" "You don't let him know the truth of life. , that is deception!" And because of the soft heart of the soon-to-be mother, the queen thief made her kind side extremely persistent, hoping that her kind deeds would accumulate blessings for the child's future.
This film is of course very heartwarming and positive. Even if it is a tragicomedy, it has a perfect ending - the police are extremely powerful, and no matter how cunning and clever thieves are, it is difficult to escape the law. However, except for the last ten minutes, I couldn't see the police's power in the previous episodes, and I was only fooled by the thief's magic. Well, this is just an artistic technique, the god of thieves is just to pave the way for the more gods of the police behind, although it is a bit far-fetched.
Fortunately, although there are many bridges in the play, the black humor in the middle can change the style and taste. All kinds of ridiculous and ironic dialogues probably became buzzwords back then! For example, Uncle Li explained when he was biased towards the beauty's subordinate Xiao Ye: "What is the most expensive in the 21st century? - Talent!". When he challenged Wang Nan thief, he said almost seriously: "I can tell you responsibly - Uncle Li is very angry, and the consequences are serious!" What's more shocking and stupid is the robbery group of people who stuttered. Intimidation: "robbery", "hit, beat, beat, beat...robbery", (Uncle Li) "I'm most annoying you robbers, you don't have any technical content", (Wang male thief) " robbery brother , No, there is no IQ card. I have IQ, you don't." "Give me yours, won't I have it?" (Wang male thief) "Give it to you, you, you can't use it either." , "Be serious, be serious! Don't laugh! We are robbery here!"

However, it is a pity that the thieves were caught and caught in the film, and the matter is not over yet. Those thieves are no better than ordinary people, but they escaped from their shells again! That's fine, I also hope that the pair of thieves can avoid prison. But silly root's purse failed again - he was hooked away by Uncle Li. In this way, the queen and the thief are sad: is this stupid and can't get the money again? All previous efforts were in vain. In fact, I want to complain here: with normal thinking, the police should not return the money to the fool before he wakes up! It's all up to him! ! Without a purse, mandarin ducks will not stay, and male thieves will not lose their lives!
At the end of the movie, the song "Do You Know" that appeared at the beginning sounded slowly again. This time, after carefully savouring the lyrics, I finally realized that the freshness of this song is only the appearance, and the faint sadness and reluctance are the truth. It actually talks about parting, and it is a goodbye forever. At the time of farewell, only the slow footsteps of Baiyun saw off... When the female thief and the pregnant woman desperately stuffed the spring rolls, my throat felt uncomfortable, my eyes were hot, and I almost cried.
I don't know why, but I'm not at all moved by Silly Gen. I only think that that kind of touching is the pureness of a child, and the kindness that can be maintained when the world is ignorant of the dangers of the world. I used to be like this too, thinking that people in the world are sincere. But this simple feeling cannot last. Because there will always be a day to be deceived, and a day to accept the darkness of society! The beauty maintained under the illusion will be oxidized and eclipsed once the protective cloth is removed. People have to be taught to be complicated by life, because society is inherently complicated. Smart people should learn to protect themselves so that they can keep themselves and other good people who love them safe from harm.
I don't know why, when I watched it for the second time, I no longer cared about the core theme of deception and sincerity between people, and was thinking about love. The love of this pair of thieves is so real. There have been awkward moments, and there have been abandonments, but in the end, I can't let go. How deep does it take to make a bad person accept the values ​​of another lover who hopes to become a better person, and do good deeds and accumulate virtue with her? - even if that would make him lose three layers of skin! To tell the truth, Xiaoye and the male thief are more alike, and they are also more beautiful. If love is to choose the most suitable and excellent partner, shouldn't the male thief leave the female thief and choose Xiao Ye? Perhaps, true love, deep love no longer cares about the attraction when we first met, and whether there is a better choice. Enduring love is already a deep love that cannot be parted, just like family. Family love is due to blood, and love is due to various dependencies that have been together for a long time. Whether it's harmony or disputes, if after all the ups and downs, you find that you still can't leave this person, no matter what differences he has with you, whether she is attractive or not, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... love, deep Love is a long-term relationship, a deep and shallow running-in, a part of life, a fusion that cannot go back and cannot bear to give up...
Reflecting on myself, I felt my own shallowness, and regarded love as a superficial competition, as a combination of selection. No, no, love is devotion, a willing sacrifice, and it is a matter of staying together and not giving up. It's your parent's affection for you, your attachment to your parents. Yes, I did downplay a piece of the independent personality of love. But as far as I am concerned, what I am looking for is the kind of deep affection that is like family. If, that him, I don't want to follow him all my life, no matter what happens; if, that him, he is not willing to love me all my life, no matter if I am old or sick - if there is no such deep affection, I would rather Don't love each other, don't stay together, don't commit to each other. There are too many lies and unbeauty in life. I have the right to choose, so I will not compromise, and I will not tell the big lie of my life in order to give myself a temporary dependence.
I don't know what to write at the end, so just attach the words of the opening and ending songs, a touch of sadness.

Did you expect the clouds that day,
so the steps were light?
So as not to disturb our time,
because it is destined to be so little...

The wind, blowing white clouds,
where have you been?
When I miss you, I look up and smile,
do you know...

Accompanied by the purest white clouds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, I have witnessed the sacrifice of the purest mother's heart and lover in the world.

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