When silly roots fainted, Wang Li looked at silly roots lying on the bed and said, "I really don't want him to wake up, I hope he will continue to live in the dream of a world without thieves." In this world, in fact, anyone can There are thieves, some who steal money, some who steal people's hearts, and some who steal people. But this fact must be accepted by everyone. Just like what Wang Bo said to Zhang Hanyu: "Don't tell Silly Root, there are so many thieves around him." We may not want to face it, but we must face it. But we all want to be fools. Even if we are deceived, we must have full hope and confidence in this society.
Wang Li wants to get rid of the past life, so he doesn't want to do it anymore. She had a child and had a pure and clean life within her. How could she still do something to hurt others and hurt him? She juggles silly roots, telling him that what's lost can be found again. In fact, the same is true of human nature. The original ones that were lost may also be returned in the near future. Just like in the end, Wang Bo told Wang Li for a promise, a wish, and the future: "I'm coming, you go." Although the ending is not what we want to see. But life is so, so cruel, so cruel. But at least, he got back some of his original things, some valuable things that people in this world have. Life is such a constant cycle. The egg thrown by Wang Li may represent Liu Ruoyin's goodbye to the past life. In fact, each of them wants to live a happy and normal life. But being forced by life, they can only become an identity that cannot be offset even if they do a hundred good deeds - thieves. But because of a child, they changed. They are no longer unidentified gangsters, but normal people who want to start over. They don't want to let silly roots be hurt again, and they would rather be as stupid as silly roots, because no matter how realistic life is, as long as they have a contentment heart, and each other, then maybe they will be very happy. There is no need to "force the people to rebel" anymore. Wang Bo said to Wang Li, "Don't be afraid, I am here." Yes, they are the only ones who can support each other. They need to accumulate virtue for their children in the future, and accumulate virtue for their own future life.
I have been thinking, why they set out from Tibet, the most pure and pure area. Maybe there is a real world without thieves. We all want this world to be a world without thieves. Not so much suspicion, not so much betrayal, not so much defense. Everyone sleeps with the door open, eats with the kitchen open, and places their mobile phones and computers in public places at will. Is that Datong society? No, it's the beautiful world in a fool's mouth. Silly root is right, but wrong. He told us that even a wolf can't hurt him, how can a man? Yes, how can people do that? We should all reflect.
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