Pirates of the Caribbean-Choice of Love and Freedom

Rebecca 2021-10-13 13:05:42

Pirates have always symbolized freedom. Well, in fact, when you think about it carefully, his true meaning is not in killing and robbery, but in freedom of sailing, adventures full of surprises, and of course tantalizing treasures. Captain Jack deserves to be the protagonist of the hero in the film, and his portrayal of him is much higher than Will. Jack's appearance has established the style of the whole film-a man... we will focus on the number one man in the Caribbean. Expand this article. Jack is a thorough liberal, in stark contrast to Will's supremacy of love. The biggest conflict in the film lies in the conflict between love and freedom. The conflict between the two runs through the entire film and is reflected in every corner. From the beginning of the film, the love between Will and Elizabeth has been entangled with us, but the love history without any suspense has been made so tortuous. Did Elizabeth change her heart to like Jack halfway through? I don’t think so. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the director of the film is a feminist, but he is obviously not a complete female liberator. In Elizabeth’s mind, Jack is just a symbol of freedom. She yearns for the free life of pirates. Although there is no pirate's blood in his body, he is more eager to be a pirate than Will. At the end of the third part, when Elizabeth led the pirate army to meet the British army, it was the highest point of her emotion, a posture of the king of pirates. Let's go back to Jack. Does Jack like Elizabeth? A man who does not want to be bound by love, of course, will not be attached to Elizabeth, which is why so many women slap him. In real life, love and freedom should have both, but the film completely opposes the two. Elizabeth’s compass points to Jack. In fact, her pursuit of freedom is higher than her desire for love. This is also her. When the relationship with Will was in crisis, and at the end of the film, Will and Elizabeth got the long-awaited love, but lost their freedom, and exchanged for eternal love at the cost of seeing once in ten years. This is exactly the film. The subject is located. Think about it, in order for Will to give his father freedom, he needs to pay the price of his love. On the other hand, the general who likes Elizabeth, when he really chooses love, is also the end of his life. Such contradictions are everywhere in the film. Jack's last-or the freedom to choose from beginning to end, his boat, his treasure map and his bohemian personality are all manifestations of his freedom. The film twists and turns, not because of Jack nor Will, but because of Elizabeth's inner contradiction, that is, the contradiction between love and free choice in her heart. But the ending of the film is not suitable for Elizabeth and Jack to be together, because it needs to sacrifice Jack’s freedom at the expense of the pirate. Without freedom, what is called a pirate, it becomes a big octopus with tentacles... Back to Jack, Go back to Jack... and end this article...

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl quotes

  • [after breaking Jack out of jail]

    Will Turner: Hurry, someone would have heard that.

    Jack Sparrow: Not without my effects.

  • Will Turner: I can get you out of here

    Jack Sparrow: How's that... the key's run off.