a few thoughts

Chesley 2022-04-21 09:03:22

First I thought of David Lynch's Mulholland Drive. Such a strange music, the loss of time and space, and identity. Real and unreal mix, when Jeanne discovers her mother, her husband's face becomes unfamiliar, when she sees another woman in the mirror.

Then I thought of "Ballet Doll" by Japanese cartoonist Chiho Saito. The male protagonist's twin brother was killed in a fire, and then he forcibly took the male protagonist's body, and the deceased continued to survive with the body of the living.

The plot is not new enough. Not as mysterious as David Lynch. But beautiful enough to be eye-catching. Personally, I think Sophie is still acting in "First Kiss", "Fang Fang" and other films when she is beautiful, young and beautiful. It's still old now, although the smell is still good. So did Monica, her face was obviously round, but she was still very beautiful. I will never forget her performance in "The Beautiful Sicily" and "Irrevocable".

Woman, it's been such a prosperous few years, no matter how clever makeup, no matter how well maintained, it is still no match for time.

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