
Percival 2022-04-19 09:03:09

The background of the film is that the two brothers who work as cleaners receive a mysterious video tape - it turned out to be a video sent by the cult camp where they escaped 10 years ago, revealing to the audience that the brothers 10 years ago. "secret" life. The structure of this mysterious organization, at first glance, is reminiscent of Aum Shinrikyo in Japan in the mid-1990s. A group of people went to a remote place, broke away from the original "original family", and established a new order of life. Far from the division of labor system of capitalist society, relying on simple labor skills, living a "simple and stable" life in a small group. Just like the phrase "It smells good" in the movie. This "Xanadu camp" in the movie is the place where the protagonists of the movie, brother Justin and brother Aaron (off topic, the name uses the actor's real name) escaped 10 years ago. When my brother left the camp with his younger brother 10 years ago, it caused a media sensation, making the camp "notorious" and quickly labelled a cult by the world. 10 years have passed, but the two brothers' lives are not satisfactory. They are doing meaningless cleaning work in their careers, and their emotional lives are often frustrated by the "black history". The video tape received at this time made his brother Aaron propose to return to the camp again. In Aaron's memory, camp is full of good memories; and these "beautiful" are distorted in the eyes of brother Justin, which is the cage he worked hard to break free 10 years ago. However, in order to allow his younger brother to revive his vitality, Justin agreed to the proposal of "revisiting the old place". Who is the core leader of the Cult organization? It is the Higher Power that everyone in the camp is looking for. It is this Unknown's Higher Power that makes the people here live like siblings, oh no, it's a more peaceful life than siblings. It seems that there is no "selfish desire" or "possession" here, everyone is looking for or waiting for the instructions of Higher Power, as if there is the highest wisdom there, pointing to a happy life. By the way, in the mysterious cult circle, certain concepts have their own definitions. Suicide is not suicide, But ascention, it's wonderful. 1000 words are omitted here... Just when the audience began to think that the director was going to discuss cults, the story took a turn and two moons appeared in the sky. "Isn't this Haruki Murakami's 1Q84?" Countless questions crossed his mind. 1Q84 is also about cults, and there have also been "boundaries" that span time and space. The most important thing is that there are two moons in the world of 1Q84. Two moons became three moons when I thought the director was lazy about the story. What's even more amazing is that there is also a Loop circle in Miss Tim Burton's fantasy castle. To make things more complicated, some of the boundaries of the Loop here are artificially created, while others are like the cult organization above, allowing a Higher Power to determine the time when the third moon arrives, which is the boundary of the Loop. Since then, the film has moved towards a surreal and magical theme, swept away the literary and artistic tone at the beginning, and replaced it with a hanging pale face, bursting blood, and a clock that keeps returning to the starting point. When the audience also started to get lost in the film, the director gave us a little hint. Those who voluntarily choose to commit suicide have a more human breath. They will be furious, ridiculed, sighed, and helpless, which is the biggest difference from the previous camp members. Those who cannot escape the loop circle, although their lives are inevitably repeated, but they insist on using their own hands to draw a boundary for this reincarnation of time and space. On the contrary, the members of the camp organization are waiting for the third full moon, and everyone forms a circle, waiting for the "rescue" of the higher power. Of course, the younger brother Aaron was still obsessed with returning to the camp. In his view, returning to real life is also a daily endless cycle, and it is also a meaningless life. When you sigh, oh, how can my brother live so pessimistically, congratulations, you have touched the core of what the director wants to express. From literary films to thrillers, to science fiction films, the director finally wanted to wake up the audience and slowly throw out the main theme of the story. When they walked back to camp for the third time, the third moon was full. The people in the camp went empty, and the two brothers walked into the house that had been blocked for a long time. There were neither monsters nor imprisoned members, but a videotape that recorded everything in the camp. They saw the last moments of the camp's members on their way to destruction. The entire camp was killed by that Higher Power tore up, and the two brothers drove away in a hurry out of survival instinct. Then the director set up a little trick here. The car won't start, the older brother insists on being the one who started the ignition as usual, but the younger brother says to let him try it. At this moment, the older brother Justin and the younger brother switched positions at the critical moment (wow, the director's change is really a bit suddenly). In the end, after the younger brother "confessed affectionately" to the older brother (probably moved the gods, or moved the screenwriter), the car started... and then the ending is that he successfully returned to real life. At this time, I suddenly realized why my brother is so pessimistic about life (although pessimists are likely to be born). All the decisions of brother Aaron's life are Justin's choice, not Aaron's choice. For his younger brother, everything in his life was decided by his elder brother. From escaping from the camp 10 years ago to working as a cleaner later, the unbearable lightness of Aaron's life comes from the passivity of this life. When someone else chooses for you in your life, you will of course put all the responsibility on the other person, and compensation is the real motivation that you will never be able to experience in life. When the steering wheel is not in your hands, you certainly have a hard time believing that the desert will turn into an oasis, you can only blame the driver for being an idiot and ruining your journey. Brother, the Loop and the three moons are all pretense. What I want is My Choice. The unbearable lightness of life comes from the passivity of this life. When someone else chooses for you in your life, you will of course put all the responsibility on the other person, and compensation is the real motivation that you will never be able to experience in life. When the steering wheel is not in your hands, you certainly have a hard time believing that the desert will turn into an oasis, you can only blame the driver for being an idiot and ruining your journey. Brother, the Loop and the three moons are all pretense. What I want is My Choice. The unbearable lightness of life comes from the passivity of this life. When someone else chooses for you in your life, you will of course put all the responsibility on the other person, and compensation is the real motivation that you will never be able to experience in life. When the steering wheel is not in your hands, you certainly have a hard time believing that the desert will turn into an oasis, you can only blame the driver for being an idiot and ruining your journey. Brother, the Loop and the three moons are all pretense. What I want is My Choice.

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