Worth a visit for those who like animals

Wilfrid 2022-04-20 09:02:46

In recent years, I have been really amazed by Korean movies. First of all, the BGM is 100%, just right sensational, different experiences will have different feelings. There's no way to be objective, I can't calm down as a cat lover. The plot contains a bit rich elements, but not too much. The film fully reflects the different ways of dealing with emergencies from various positions. The foreshadowing in the early stage is also just right, not boring, and the narrative method in the first half is acceptable. The second half is really 200 points, I'm not afraid of your pride. In 2017, the virgin cry is for you. Those who don't love animals may not feel it. The relationship between the protagonist and the tiger is all described indirectly, but the depth is just right. Students who like animals are definitely worth watching. The in-depth analysis of man and nature has already surpassed life and death.

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