One country, two wars, embattled on three sides, and enemies on all sides

Chesley 2022-04-19 09:03:06

Soldiers of a country, because of their different camps, cannibalize each other. The film is divided into two parts. The first half tells the battle of the Estonian puppet army for Germany against the Soviet Union, and the second half tells the battle of the Estonian puppet army for the Soviet Union against Germany. In the middle, a woman is used to connect the entire main line. This is the first time I have seen the narrative method, there are no pros and cons, and this film has no protagonist halo, all the protagonists of the two parts have sacrificed, and more importantly, the director did not focus on which of the two countries, Germany and the Soviet Union, was the one who liberated Estonia. It seems that the Soviet Union expelled Germany from Estonia to liberate Estonia, but the old couple in the film who gave the soldiers bread was obviously closer to the German puppet army. When the Soviet puppet army drove away the German puppet army, the old couple gave the soldiers bread. When I saw the young soldiers put on the clothes of the Soviet Red Army, I was obviously stunned. Here I saw that the Estonians were not welcome to the Soviet puppet soldiers. This group of young men originally intended to fight for the country and defeat the invaders. , Because of the successive occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union and Germany, the Estonian soldiers belonged to two camps. With the war between Germany and the Soviet Union in Estonia, the Estonian soldiers belonging to different camps were killed. At this moment, Estonia is sad. Germany and the Soviet Union In the middle of the film, the German puppet army and militia civilians were indiscriminately attacked by Soviet warplanes and machine gunned unarmed civilian children when they were ordered to withdraw to Germany by Hitler, perhaps in Estonia. In the eyes of the people, the Soviet Union first annexed Estonia and was an aggressor. In my opinion, poor Estonia is just a pawn in the hands of the two countries. To truly liberate, the Estonian people themselves are needed.

The heroine of the film plays a crucial role in the turning point of the film. The protagonist of the Soviet puppet army in the second half shot and killed the protagonist of the German puppet army in the first half of the melee. Killed by the gun, I was also saddened in my heart, so I found the sister of the slain compatriot and gave the letter of the deceased to my sister, but did not tell the truth. In the half, through the turning point of the female protagonist, the male protagonist of the upper and lower parts is connected, and turned into the perspective of the Soviet puppet army. In the end, the Soviet puppet army male protagonist was shot by the superior because he disobeyed the order issued by the superior to shoot the Estonian youth. The film ends here. The male protagonists of both stories are pathetic. Perhaps in the eyes of Estonians, only God can save this slaughtered country.

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  • Omavalitsuse tegelane: Heil Hitler!

    Kristjan 'Põder': Ei ütle!

    [sounds similar to 'Heil Hitler', translates as 'no say']

  • Kreml: Why did you let them go? Who gave the order to cease fire?

    Kapten Evald Viires: I did.

    Kreml: Captain Viires, all fascists must be destroyed.

    Kapten Evald Viires: I don't have time to chase along the forest every little boy who is shooting us.

    Kreml: They were not little boys, they were real fascists! Captain Viires, I will write a report about you!

    Kapten Evald Viires: Comrade Stalin personally gave the order to liberate the capital of Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, Tallinn, for the 22nd of September. I don't intend to go under court martial, maybe you do.

    Kreml: We will see who is going under court martial.

    [walks away]

    Alfred Tuul: Kreml shitted to his pants.

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