Favorite first episode second story and last episode first story

Timmy 2022-09-13 15:59:23

3.5. The first story of the first episode is a bit baffling, and the second story has a very good suspenseful atmosphere. The first story of the second episode is very boring, the second story is more interesting, the monster pays tribute to the alien. The first story of the third episode is very mediocre, and the second story is still very interesting (as far as the male protagonist is a bit stupid, he should tell the police in person) The first story of the fourth episode is generally okay, and it is better than the first story of the first three episodes Good, but still inferior to the second story. And overall it feels to me like a horror story told in the dark with the name Harold, the resurrected scarecrow, and similar houses. (Speaking of the second story, the female boss pushed the corpse in the monitored building and the elevator...) The first story of the fifth episode of the monkey's paw is very interesting, but the monkey's paw is used up by the next person. .. I think it would be better if the settings were better. The second story doesn't quite understand what it wants to express. I really like the first story of the sixth episode, and it can be expanded into a movie. The second story is alright, limited by the space, the performance is not very good. Out of the 12 stories, I like "The Haunted House of the Head" and "The Skin Driller". The former has a good atmosphere and creativity, and the latter is bloody.

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