All the characters in "The King's Man" are the embodiment of tragedy, whether it is Gong Ji, the man favored by the king, or the righteous poet who appeared as a folk artist, or the king himself or the father-in-law who persuaded three generations of kings. All are tragic. Because the king did not have the conditions required to be the king of the world, because of the tragedies he experienced, because of the shackled laws and ministers who could never recognize their existence, because of this corrupt dynasty, too stubborn and according to his own. Taking all actions in his mind, he became incompatible with his position, could not bear it, and was resented by the people and ministers; and as the father-in-law who served three generations of kings, in order to save the king, he originally wanted to use the boldness of the straightforward poet and his party. To satirize this corrupt dynasty to warn the king to let the king open his eyes to see this corrupted dynasty, which made the king wake up and govern the country, but it was self-defeating. Meaning, and triggered the source of all tragic fates; Gong Ji, a man favored by the king, was originally weak because he did not have the character of a poet and the femininity of his own face, and became the source of the unfortunate fetters of the king. Replacing the woman beside the king has become a slanderous disaster that the world refers to, but in fact he should not have been involved in such a battle, if there is no poet's willful action; the poet, the poet is straightforward and bold, but the poet is like that Stubbornness, if the poet hadn't been at fault for the cynical factor in him If he hadn't been blinded by the golden light of money in those hungry years and walked the tightrope with Gong Ji in peace, none of this would have happened. But a poet is a poet after all, and a poet cannot be a poet if he is not affected by the restlessness in him. Therefore, all the tragedies and fetters stem from the accident of the environment, and no one can be blamed.
The king perished his dynasty (but maybe it was a blessing for him); the poet lost forever the chance to walk on the tightrope to see the sky and the ground, leaving only the abyss and endless darkness; the father-in-law finally hanged Ended his tragic years and thus showed his loyalty to the king; and as the calamity Gong Ji, who was scolded by the world, that weak man, cut his wrists and mutilated himself. Resentment, remorse, but everything is irreversible. The last scene is Gong Ji and the poet performing a tightrope walk together as entertainers for the last time when the counter-attacks rushed into the palace. Wang and his dancer waited for the unfortunate fate to come, and did not stubbornly seek their lives. Maybe this is because they In other words, "death" is the best destination.
Fate is a sinner, tricking people like ants.
- Afterlife. What kind of body will your soul regenerate in the next life? Noble? King's?
- No, no, no, I still have to live as a poet.
The world is a stage, people are just a moment, they exist in a certain way, and then they turn into dust and live together. We should solemnly bless the earth!
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