"The King's Man" - special beauty

Delphine 2022-04-21 09:03:34

You, slender fingers, sad eyes, I don't know when, the eyes can't be taken away from you.
I swear to protect you from letting other men get close to you, I can't say I love you, but please believe that I want you to be happier than anyone else.
No one can possess your soul and body, and I don't dare to ask for it. I will drive away the desire and greed that surrounds you. I will protect you with my life. There is no language and lingering, only my body and My heart.
Death is not scary, at least let me see you before I die is still free; I don't regret not seeing your smile again, because I know in my heart that we are happiest snuggling together, yours The smile must be as beautiful as ever.
We will never be apart...
don't say goodbye
to you, you can always smile and give me strength, I know my fragility and powerlessness, but as long as I see you, I can have infinite power. For you, I can raise the sickle and swing at those who hurt you, and for you I have the courage to face the blood and death. I know my weakness, but even so, I will protect you and love you with a small breath.
I like to look up at you, to see you beating on the rope, the pulse also affects you, the rope bounces, you are high into the clouds, you are also my heaven. I was afraid, so many desire eyes seemed to devour me, like the hungry hand of hell pulling me into the abyss of eternal doom, I struggled and cried desperately, this was not what I hoped.
You, as I hoped, rescued me. Understand that you can't always rely on your protection, but really fall in love with this feeling, or fall in love with you...
whether or not you can see my beauty again,
we are in each other's hands...
no parting

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The King and the Clown quotes

  • Pal-bok: [From subtitles] Isn't she the King's Consort?

    Chil-duk: Sure is. What on earth is that woman doing?

    Pal-bok: People say, she a lady now but she still shits like a horse. So then the rumors were true after all!

  • [From subtitles]

    Gong-gil: [atop a tightrope] To be up here, away from the bustle, my legs like wings would spread.

    Jang-sang: [from below] Ahoy! What is that flower in full bloom I see yonder?

    Street musician: Dost thou not recognize the one and only?

    Jang-sang: So it is! The one and only! With rose petal'd lips. O Friend, beat thee thy leather while I go pick the flower.

    Gong-gil: [watching Jang-sang ascend the tightrope] My, my, there comes a fool, rash and proud! Never knew a fool who knew his place!

    Jang-sang: Ho! A tongue most untamed! Master of this house am I, come to bait thee!

    Gong-gil: A gallows-hung scoundrel is what I see with an ill-fitting coat to hide his sores!

    Jang-sang: Oh thorny Rose, is thy iris closed for me? Open them, and see as I walk the Master's gait. Oh, really!

    [Jang-sang precariously walks across the tightrope]

    Jang-sang: [finally reaching the other side] Good heavens! Me thought it would be a mere hop and a skip but t'was longer than a runny trip to the outhouse!

    Gong-gil: [having climbed down] Master gait, master bait, either way strains the balls!

    Jang-sang: And now, a fornicating wench, running off upon being surprised. 'Tis thy own form, saucy wench.

    [Jang-sang quickly walks back across the tightrope again]

    Gong-gil: I was expecting to see thee fall and crack thy frame. But not bad!

    Jang-sang: Indeed, gifted are my two legs, but it is my third that has true genius - and thou shall see it this night!

    [Jang-sang performs acrobatics on the tightrope]

    Blackhat: Master wants to see you.

    Gong-gil: Thy twin eggs, are they cracked yet or just in the crack?

    Jang-sang: [as the crowd laughs] Safely in the crack, plugging my bunghole! But now, I must drain my bladder. I gotta pee before I continue!

    Gong-gil: Why, you dirty boor! So then, let's try it on for size!

    Jang-sang: Good idea! I shall oblige!