
Webster 2022-04-20 09:02:38

I watched "The King's Man" in two days? Lee Jun Ki is really, really, really good looking 55555 I cried and Gong Ji's character is so lovable I just hi wife bgm really pokes me so I can hear the explosion As soon as the melody sounded, I was immersed in it, but the plot emm was a bit fascinated. Especially in the early stage, the actors acted so embarrassingly that they used their toes to cut out two rooms and one living room. There are also people's characters. Although everyone's characters are very plump, I still like crazy criticism. The emperor didn't expect that he and Kong Ji didn't get together in the end? ? So why is it called "The King's Man?" "? I also hoped that the emperor would be able to fall in love with Kong Ji on the right track in the later period, and then the Green Concubine. Until the last second of the movie, I was still asking: Why is she still not dead? Can you stay away from the emperor? In the end, the male protagonist (maybe?) is really completely in love. The eunuchs let you go and you come back to find death. I am not satisfied! ! ! So Kong Ji loves the king or not? Does Wang love Kong Ji or not? Forgive me for not caring about the connotation, I just want to watch Sweet Love (⑉°з°) All in all, it's pretty good

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The King and the Clown quotes

  • Pal-bok: [From subtitles] Isn't she the King's Consort?

    Chil-duk: Sure is. What on earth is that woman doing?

    Pal-bok: People say, she a lady now but she still shits like a horse. So then the rumors were true after all!

  • [From subtitles]

    Gong-gil: [atop a tightrope] To be up here, away from the bustle, my legs like wings would spread.

    Jang-sang: [from below] Ahoy! What is that flower in full bloom I see yonder?

    Street musician: Dost thou not recognize the one and only?

    Jang-sang: So it is! The one and only! With rose petal'd lips. O Friend, beat thee thy leather while I go pick the flower.

    Gong-gil: [watching Jang-sang ascend the tightrope] My, my, there comes a fool, rash and proud! Never knew a fool who knew his place!

    Jang-sang: Ho! A tongue most untamed! Master of this house am I, come to bait thee!

    Gong-gil: A gallows-hung scoundrel is what I see with an ill-fitting coat to hide his sores!

    Jang-sang: Oh thorny Rose, is thy iris closed for me? Open them, and see as I walk the Master's gait. Oh, really!

    [Jang-sang precariously walks across the tightrope]

    Jang-sang: [finally reaching the other side] Good heavens! Me thought it would be a mere hop and a skip but t'was longer than a runny trip to the outhouse!

    Gong-gil: [having climbed down] Master gait, master bait, either way strains the balls!

    Jang-sang: And now, a fornicating wench, running off upon being surprised. 'Tis thy own form, saucy wench.

    [Jang-sang quickly walks back across the tightrope again]

    Gong-gil: I was expecting to see thee fall and crack thy frame. But not bad!

    Jang-sang: Indeed, gifted are my two legs, but it is my third that has true genius - and thou shall see it this night!

    [Jang-sang performs acrobatics on the tightrope]

    Blackhat: Master wants to see you.

    Gong-gil: Thy twin eggs, are they cracked yet or just in the crack?

    Jang-sang: [as the crowd laughs] Safely in the crack, plugging my bunghole! But now, I must drain my bladder. I gotta pee before I continue!

    Gong-gil: Why, you dirty boor! So then, let's try it on for size!

    Jang-sang: Good idea! I shall oblige!