The cruelty of reality, the hypocrisy of words, the shattering of ideals

Dillan 2022-04-19 09:03:10

Always bowing his head, walking on the icy streets of Paris, Yoav is accompanied by a dictionary of French synonyms, constantly reciting French in his mouth, a person who can turn his back on his original identity and start over, not knowing the cruelty. Reality is a precursor to the broken ideal.

Originally, there were no countries in the world, but only "we" and "you" with clans as units. With the improvement of material productivity, most clans made contracts with each other to better survive, and more extensive "We" and "you", that is, between countries, this state has lasted for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, and different countries have formed unique cultures. However, with the development of economic globalization, the beginning of The idea of ​​oneness sprouts - borders will disappear and all people will share one earth society. This kind of thinking is especially prominent in France, which is famous for its universal thought. Maybe that's why Joyaf chose France, he wanted to forget the homeland where there was only constant war and conflict, and even repressed thoughts - Israel, even though Israel shaped his language, his manner and speech, his spirit, there But there was only despair; the French, the life in Paris, the French culture, which he read out of his mouth, completely removed himself from the Jewish nation and became the French nation. He rejects Hebrew (it's hard to learn why to give up!), and the French he says is a murder of his own Hebrew; he gives up his story and gives it to his French friend Ai Emile; he refused to see his parents again, as if that were proof that he was still Jewish.

"If you are the citizen of the world, then you are the citizen of nowhere" Words uttered during the Brexit impasse. What would you be without belonging to yourself? Yoyav may not have noticed anything when he first arrived in Paris, but he did sense something like this: "When I first arrived in Paris, her darkness engulfed me, but I didn't know it then. ". The French that Yoav spoke did not make him a member of France, but it succeeded in clearing himself from the Jewish nation. His compatriots in Paris no longer associate with him. Everything around Paris is busy except him. Alone in a small room, he is not only abandoned by Israel, but also an outcast of the whole of France. Abandoning the original belonging, trying to create a new identity, but in the end he just became a person who lost his belonging, a person who wandered in the city but never belonged here, the citizen of nowhere, the cruel reality beat Yoav's ideal smash.

Belonging, perhaps with the help of French friends, can be reshaped in the passage of time, but the hypocrisy of French friends once again gave him a blow. In the case of the intensifying refugee tide, many European countries that once enthusiastically helped refuse to accept refugees; in France, in the spirit of universalism, anti-Semitic sentiments are running high; Ameler is just using Yoyaf to find inspiration for writing; Caroline just wants to want his body. At first their door was open to Yoyav and finally closed to Yoyav. Is it really possible to open national borders in the context of globalization? The answer is no, whether it is physical borders or national borders in people's minds. The opposition between "we" and "you" still exists, no matter how hard Yoav tries to be "you", in the eyes of Ameler and Caroline, he is always just "you" other than "us". It is not just the door of Aimille and Caroline that is closed to Joyaf, but the door of the whole of France. In the end, Joyav will finally understand that his original ideal is nothing but an illusion. That beautiful dream can't be realized now, but for the future, people can share a society with the endless future.

Movie rating: Unrated (American Standard, personally rated R due to nudity) Movie version: French/Hebrew/English Subtitles: Chinese characters/Chinese-French double characters (when other languages ​​appear) Duration: 1 hour 58 minutes (118 minutes)

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Extended Reading

Synonyms quotes

  • Emile: The slaps we get from our parents

  • Emile: He says giving up your language kills part of yourself.