Love is Flag. Love always separates.

Marcelino 2022-12-26 02:26:22

In winter, in order not to make Heidi so lonely, I sent Heidi down the mountain to play. Tears.


Love and Lies. The adults lied at their fingertips for various purposes. This act in the movie was thought to be exaggerated later. Goodbye grandpa just rushed over and hugged his granddaughter well and passed by. Love is Flag, and love always separates. Grandpa chased after the carriage and had already left. He couldn't help crying with sadness, but his expression returned immediately. Just like "Grandson Came From America", I burst into tears when I arrived here. I watched "Sun Mei" in the first half of this year, and I was about to graduate soon. At that time, I decided not to let my parents be empty nesters and came back to look for a job. .
The laughter from the room in the early morning, listening to the slapstick of "nein nein", I feel like it's been a long time, as if I've never experienced this feeling, the feeling of laughing with people when I was young. I fought and fought with my brother and it finally became true (Miss Tears is very beautiful, this encounter and miracle due to lies is a gift for everyone, I love to read such fairy tales
. At first I felt that the theme was the same as "Grandson from America", but the focus was different later. Grandpa was in charge of tears, and BGM was the same as "The Chronicles of Narnia", which was grand and inexplicably moved. The two little girls were Little angel, I love such fairy tales, and I want to make up for this kind of children's literature. One more thing, at this age to make up for the original, the movie is always better than the original...

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