
Davonte 2022-04-20 09:02:45

Great directors always like to discuss human nature. Maybe I haven't watched too many movies, so I have been very sad for the past two years. I feel more and more that human nature is evil. Just like "Invisible Melody", children are full of desires.

However, this time, because of chance, I watched this movie that is known as the most beautiful movie in history, and it is known as an extremely healing movie. Really beautiful, how beautiful?

I watched it on Baidu Netdisk, the computer is not very good, and the quality of the screenshots may not be high, but in the process of watching the movie, I really realized why the Swiss Alps is a famous tourist destination in the world. It is really unparalleled beauty.

I guessed the plot at the beginning of the film. Grandpa didn't want to take in Heidi, but after three days of waiting, grandpa accepted Heidi, which is similar to "The Story of Hachiko, the loyal dog". But even so, the film remains unconventional. In the course of these three days, the director did not spend time telling how much contact the grandfather and grandson had, and there was no special situation that made the relationship between the grandfather and grandson suddenly improve. , with want to keep her heart. I don't know if this design is ingenious or not. It is the most hated by the villagers. In the eyes of the villagers, the grandfather who represents the "evil" and the pitiful little Heidi live together. This seems to be the same as the setting of the subsequent Snow White and Cinderella. There are some vulgarities, but the development of the plot is not conventionally expressed.

In the part of Heidi and her grandfather, the contact between Heidi and her grandfather is actually not expressed much, but more about her shepherd life with Peter. In the process of herding sheep, the film beautifully shows the natural beauty of the Alps.

Seriously, this shade is so beautiful, I must visit the Swiss Alps once in my lifetime.

Although the movie is healing, the manifestation of healing comes from the beauty of nature, the affection between grandfather and little Heidi, the friendship between little Heidi and Peter and Clara, and the kindness of grandma to little Heidi.

But I think what I like most about this film is that except for Aunt and Little Heidi and Clara's grandma, the other characters are full, good and evil coexist. Peter is greedy and selfish, Clara is selfish and has a princess disease, grandpa is inhuman and stubborn, the housekeeper is powerful or discriminatory, Clara's father is too self-respecting and disgusting Naturally (it doesn't seem like it's evil), the villagers like to spread rumors and are indifferent (really, when the villagers laughed at grandpa's late arrival, grandpa's lonely look and body made me cry, and the villagers' ridicule was really sharp) . This is what I mean by human nature as a paradox of good and evil.

Well, now that I think about it, there are indeed some places that are quite cliché. Cinderella and Snow White inevitably have to experience each other's life and throw a burden from it, which is similar to "The Mermaid" and "Green Book". The ending that Clara stood up at the end was a bit unexpected. As soon as the butterfly appeared, I wondered if Clara was getting better. O'Henry's reasoning, unexpectedly is extremely praiseworthy, but this kind of ending is not worthy of criticism. Got spicy chicken, you are right, I do have spicy chicken hahaha)

But Clara is really good looking, awsl

There are many comparisons in the film review: poor and cute little Heidi and indifferent, stinky and hard grandpa, savage little Heidi and the noble Clara family, Peter's friendship and Clara's friendship, Peter's family and Clara's family, private education With rural teachers, beautiful scenery and fog.

The relationship between Peter and Heidi makes me think whether they are in love, if only the story of Clara and Heidi alone may be interpreted as a lily by many rotten girls. The friend setting of this one man and one woman is really good, and it fully reflects the friendship between the two little ones. It's hard to imagine what the comment section would be like if Heidi was with two guys or two girls.

The director must like grandma very much, the grandma of both families are really kind and kind.

The comparison between the Alps and the foggy city is also an appeal to the environment. At first, I was still thinking, why did Clara keep the windows closed because of her poor health. It turns out that the air outside is so bad. The contrast between the big chimney and the mountain, the contrast between the closed window and the window in the attic, the contrast between the black smoke and the mountain, everywhere reflects the director's attitude towards the environment and the call for environmental protection.

In less than two hours, a plump image was created, auntie, little Heidi, grandpa, Clara's family, and Peter's family. Many directors will reflect the inferiority of human beings in these roles, such as the indifference of the aunt (this film also reflects, but it has always been a connection, and does not criticize), the etiquette of the Clara family can satirize hypocrisy, Peter and the villagers Ignorance, desire, and indifference can be criticized, and Grandpa was pushed out by the indifference of the villagers. Maybe changing the director will make little Heidi and grandpa miserable, but the director of this film gave up the heavy color on evil, in exchange for the praise of good and beauty. We need something good, or I really need it.

I say you are the unparalleled beauty in this world

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