"Heidi and Grandpa": The best education in the world is to give children love and freedom

Armani 2022-04-19 09:03:06

Text | The grace of the gods

Seeing that June 1 is approaching, the film Heidi and Grandpa , co-produced by germany and switzerland, has recently landed in domestic theaters, giving Chinese children a festive gift before children's day.

The film is based on the novel of the same name by Swiss children's author Johanna Sperry . It tells the story of the innocent and lovely Heidi who was sent to the house of the eccentric grandpa by her aunt, and finally Heidi moved everyone around her with sincerity and kindness.

Orphan Heidi lived with her aunt for five years before being sent to the Alps by her aunt to join her grandfather who lived there. In the eyes of the villagers, Grandpa is a strange old man, and everyone keeps him at a distance. However, after living with grandpa, Heidi discovered that grandpa actually had a kind and soft heart. After that, Heidi and her grandfather depended on each other and lived a poor but warm life.

Soon, Pete the Shepherd became Heidi's good friend, and the two often played in the mountains and fields, enjoying the happy time to the fullest. Just when everything was getting better and better, my aunt suddenly appeared, kidnapped Heidi to Frankfurt, and sold her to a big family as a companion. Clara, a rich lady, has both legs sick and can't walk. Heidi's arrival opens the door for her to re-understand the world, and makes her feel the happiness that has been missing for a long time.

After watching Heidi's ups and downs, we can feel the deep human warmth. This film is a veritable healing blockbuster. In the film, the scenery is beautiful, the soundtrack is beautiful, and the acting skills of the three young actors are remarkable. It was a real treat to see such a delightful movie on this sunny May day!

01 Heidi and grandpa: trust and love can change everything

At the beginning of the film, Heidi runs in the field. Running and running, she looked up at the sky, and a goshawk was soaring. Heidi's natural love for freedom is a symbolic scene that sets the tone for the film.

Heidi's grandfather was an old widower who lived in the Alps and lived a life of a shepherd. When Auntie and Heidi traveled to Grandpa's house, Grandpa was chopping firewood in front of his house. After listening to the aunt's story, the hot-tempered grandfather opened his mouth and the first sentence was: Get out!

Yes, Grandpa doesn't welcome Heidi. But my aunt persuaded again and again, hoping that grandpa could keep Heidi, but grandpa didn't agree as if he was determined. Aunt had no choice but to take advantage of Grandpa's break in chopping firewood, leaving Heidi alone in front of the cabin and slipping away by herself.

Grandpa has lived alone for many years and sees Heidi as a drag. In order to get rid of this drag, he led Heidi to the pastor, hoping that the kind pastor would take her in. But the pastor told Grandpa that Heidi could only be raised by Grandpa herself. In desperation, Grandpa reluctantly accepted Heidi.

When he got home, Heidi found that everything in Grandpa's house was one, such as one bed, one table, and only one chair. Obviously, Grandpa didn't welcome anyone to his house, so he deliberately kept only one of everything. In this way, Heidi lived with her grandfather. Heidi is pure and optimistic by nature. Although the living conditions of her grandfather's house are very difficult, this does not affect Heidi's mood at all. Every day, she came and went like a bird, running freely in the mountains, and when she was quiet, she would talk to her grandfather. Day by day, the relationship between grandfather and grandson became more and more harmonious.

By chance, Heidi heard a terrible thing from the villagers: Grandpa is a murderer! Heidi was a little scared. Before going to bed that night, she told her grandpa that she didn't want to sleep in the attic anymore and wanted to go to the stables. Grandpa guessed the reason and looked a little angry. He told Heidi that people always gossip, but a person should trust his eyes.

After listening to Grandpa's words, Heidi chose to believe in Grandpa and hugged Grandpa who was hurt in her heart. The next day, Heidi found a new chair next to the table. It turned out that the grandfather went to choose wood early in the morning, saw wood, and made a new wooden chair for his granddaughter. Don't underestimate Grandpa's move. From this moment on, Grandpa really regarded Heidi as his granddaughter.

Every day, in the beautiful Alps, you can see Heidi and her grandfather grazing, and the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is getting better and better. Under the warmth of Heidi, Grandpa's personality has also changed a lot. He is no longer surly, but has become more and more gentle. This point, even the villagers feel incredible.

The relationship between Heidi and Grandpa has gone through three changes. At first, grandpa did not accept Heidi; when he had to live with Heidi, grandfather was also quite indifferent to Heidi; it was not until Heidi said she was going to sleep in the stable that grandfather realized that granddaughter was very important to him, so he For the first time, she confessed her heart to Heidi. He has been misunderstood by the villagers for a long time and has long been used to it. But when Heidi also misunderstood him, he felt sad inside. Indeed, suspicion among relatives hurts the most! In the end, Heidi chose to stand on Grandpa's side and believed in Grandpa. Grandpa felt Heidi's love from the bottom of his heart. This love is very important. So early the next morning, he started making chairs for his granddaughter. Although it is only a small chair, there is a deep trust and love behind it.

This is often the case between people, when you trust someone more, the other person will give you the same trust back. Trusting each other can draw the distance between people and make the relationship between the two more harmonious, thus forming a virtuous circle of interpersonal relationships, and finally, both parties can feel warmth and strength from it.

02: Heidi and Pete: Good friends can only be good friends with good intentions and commitment

Heidi lived a very happy life in the Alps. In addition to being accompanied by her grandfather, she also met a good friend Pete.

Pete is a sheep shepherd who drives the sheep through the mountains every day. Heidi and Pete have similar temperaments, and the two often play together. Once, when two sheep were fighting, Pete picked up the whip and was about to teach them a hard lesson. After Heidi saw it, she hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. She also said that if Pete didn't hunt sheep, she would give him half of the food every day.

Pete's family was poor, and he often ran out of food. Hearing this, Pete put down his whip. Since then, Heidi has really kept her promise to give Pete half of her food every day. For this, Pete is very grateful to Heidi, and the two friends are getting closer.

One day, Pete invited Heidi to come to his house to play. His home is a low and dilapidated log cabin with only his mother and grandmother at home. Seeing that grandma was very kind, Heidi took the initiative to go forward and wanted to chat with grandma. At this time, Pete's mother told Heidi that her grandmother was blind and could not see anything. Moreover, grandma's teeth are not good, can't eat hard things, only soft bread. After Heidi heard this, she secretly wrote down the incident.

Before long, my aunt came back to the mountains to look for Heidi. This time, she hopes to take Heidi with her. However, Grandpa did not agree with life or death, Heidi has now become his spiritual sustenance, and he will never agree to let Heidi go. Seeing that Grandpa's attitude was very tough, Auntie tricked Heidi into taking him away.

Why did Auntie seduce Heidi? It turned out that the noble Sizermann family in Frankfurt was recruiting companion girls. The aunt wanted Heidi to read as a companion to the young lady of the family, so that she could earn a referral fee from it. In this way, before Heidi could say goodbye to her grandfather, she was fooled into getting on the train bound for Frankfurt.

The Sizeman family is a big family, and 12-year-old Clara is the only child in the family. She has problems with her legs and is in a wheelchair all the year round and can't go anywhere, so she is very lonely. Clara's mother has died, and her father is away on business all the year round, and everything at home is taken care of by the strict housekeeper. The housekeeper disliked Heidi very much, and thought that she did not understand civilized etiquette and was very uneducated. But when Clara saw Heidi, she felt very kind, so Heidi was left behind.

The Sizemans lived well, and every meal was plentiful. When eating, Heidi would always ask for a double portion of bread, eat one for herself, and secretly hide the other. Over time, she saved up a pile of bread. The reason why Heidi saves bread is simple: although she is in Frankfurt, her heart is always in the Alps. She was always thinking about Pete's grandma. Grandma could only eat soft bread, and the bread here was very fluffy. She wanted to save more bread to give to grandma when she got home.

After a while, Heidi returned to Grandpa for some reason. When she went to Pete's house again, she brought a bunch of gifts, including grandma's favorite soft bread and Pete's favorite sausage. The arrival of Heidi brought a lot of joy to the Pete family.

Heidi is kind-hearted and has no selfish thoughts, and her friendship with Pete is pure and innocent. After the two sheep fought, she promised to give Pete food, which she did. Pete's mother just casually said that grandma could only eat soft bread, and Heidi remembered it in her heart. When she came back from Clara's house, she did not forget to bring back a big bag of soft bread for grandma. These things are small but heartwarming. In fact, Heidi's innocence and kindness not only warmed the grandfather and the Pete family, but anyone who had contact with Heidi would be truly warmed by this little girl. Only those who have love in their hearts will warm others with love. And Heidi is such a person.

03The freedom of the mind can heal the disease of the body

Although Clara is expensive, she is not happy.

After her mother passed away, Clara suffered from depression, her legs were sick, and she was confined to a wheelchair all day, which made her even more lonely. In addition, the housekeeper is quite strict on weekdays, there is no laughter in the family, the servants can't even breathe, and the whole family is dead.

And when Heidi came to her house, Clara and everyone liked Heidi very much, except the housekeeper hated Heidi. Heidi was warm and lively, like a spring breeze, making everyone who approached her couldn't help smiling.

Heidi's main task is to study with Clara. Heidi used to live in the mountains and never had the chance to study, she hadn't even learned the alphabet, much to the shock of Clara's governess. Soon, Clara's father and grandma came home together. Clara's grandma liked Heidi very much and encouraged Heidi to study hard. With the help of her grandmother and teachers, Heidi eventually learned to read and write.

Although she has no worries about food and clothing every day and has become good friends with Clara, Heidi is still sad, and she misses Grandpa and Pete more and more. Homesickness haunts Heidi, and then she starts sleepwalking. Clara's dad was taken aback when he found out about it, and didn't know what to do. The family doctor said that sleepwalking was because Heidi missed her hometown too much and should have sent her home. But Clara's father is in a dilemma, don't send it, Heidi sleepwalks every day; send it, her daughter will definitely be sad. In the end, after weighing it over and over again, Clara's father followed the doctor's advice and sent Heidi back to his grandfather's house.

After returning to her grandfather's house, Heidi was so happy that her sleepwalking stopped automatically. But over time, she started to miss Clara again. So she began to write to Clara, and hoped that Clara would one day be a guest at her house.

One day, when Heidi and Pete were herding sheep in the mountains, they saw a group of people walking towards Heidi's house in the distance. It was Clara! She really came! Heidi was overjoyed, and hopped to the house. In the days that followed, the little sisters stuck together every day, as if they had endless things to say.

Pete watched it all, suddenly feeling lost. One day, he vented his jealousy by deliberately pushing Clara's wheelchair off a cliff when no one was looking. However, Pete never thought that not only did he not harm Clara, but he inadvertently helped Clara.

After the wheelchair was gone, Grandpa would carry Clara to play in the mountains every day. Every day in contact with nature, looking at the blue sky and flying butterflies above her head, Clara's mood is getting better and better. One day, while playing in the field, Clara miraculously stood up and took a few trembling steps. Seeing this scene, Heidi, Grandpa and Pete were all stunned.

After a while, Clara's dad and grandma came to pick up Clara in person. Tears welled up in their eyes when they saw that Clara had actually learned to walk again. In the end, Clara and Dad returned to the city, Pete and Heidi got back together, Heidi and Grandpa continued to live happily together, and everyone was happy. At the end of the movie, Heidi looked up at the sky, the goshawk was still soaring in the air, and everything returned to freedom and tranquility. This is a perfect match for the title.

Clara stayed at home all year round and was very depressed physically and mentally. And when she was in the wilderness, her mind felt an unprecedented freedom. Modern medicine believes that the human body and mind are one, and almost all physical diseases are manifestations of mental diseases. As long as people stay happy, the disease will recover quickly. Clara's relearning to walk is a prime example.

05 It is better to give them love and freedom than to give them brocade clothes and jade food

Heidi and Clara's lives are very different. What is intriguing is that when the poor child Heidi went to Clara's house, she did not feel happy; when the rich lady Clara came to Heidi's house, she sincerely told Heidi that she wanted to live like Heidi. Live free. This may seem contradictory, but in fact it is not difficult to understand.

Many adults think that providing children with superior material conditions is enough. In fact, for children, material abundance does not bring real happiness. To make children happy, give them love and freedom. Clara was in her own home, and all she felt was the cold. And at Heidi's house, she felt true love. Heidi loved her, and so did Grandpa. In nature, Clara truly felt freedom and happiness. As a result, her leg disease soon recovered, and she was able to walk again. After being paralyzed for many years, walking again is the miracle of love and freedom.

Heidi is really poor, but grandpa gave her the most precious gift: love and freedom. This is exactly what Clara lacks. At Grandpa's house, Heidi's nature has never been suppressed. She is warm and lively, kind and innocent, and feels happy from the bottom of her heart every day, and her happiness has infected everyone around her, making everyone feel very happy.

Sun Ruixue, a famous child education expert, said: "The growth process of a person is actually a psychological growth process, not an intellectual growth process. Intellectual growth is attached to psychological growth." An important aspect of psychological growth is On the one hand, it is respect for nature. Respect for nature is especially important for children's education. The expression of respect for nature is to give each other love and freedom.

Every child has their own unique nature. Only by respecting the nature of children can they grow up healthier and happier. So from this point of view, "Heidi and Grandpa" is not only a healing blockbuster, but also a valuable educational film.

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