Hong Kong moves fast, but love is slow

Virgil 2022-04-21 09:03:41

I like this character setting.

Hong Kong, on the border of East and West, white boys who can speak fluent Cantonese, and American girls with yellow faces but completely Western. Hong Kong's busy traffic, bustling streets and the presence of Hong Kong people in the market make this movie more immersive than "Love Is".

Love often happens in the smell of fireworks, but only these two people can understand each other in the fireworks.

Love also often happens by accident, and kindness can turn into love.

The film also talks about things other than love.

For example, whether there is love between people who cannot communicate verbally.

For example, an individual's preference for a certain race.

For example, the influence of cultural environment on future life.

For example, Chinese and Western values: the balance between individual struggle and individual value.

It also uses the image (or pursuit) of a female gold worshipper with a playful expression, the neglect of intellectual property rights in China, and the bridge (VPN) connecting the world.

Open ending. The cab table is still dancing, Hong Kong is always faster than other places. But I saw a very beautiful and slow story that happened in Hong Kong.

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Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.