This film is spot on

Rogelio 2022-04-20 09:02:45

Loving the film!!!!!

For me the striking parts are the expat life and Asia. There's so much I can relate to in this film since I'm an expat from China and now work in the investment banking / consulting industry.

Expat life

My fav quote is “They always make the expat life seem so glamorous. But when my grandfather immigrated to the states. It was everything else but glamorous”. Well, so true. Expat life does sound carefree - you're exploring a new place . Usually you make a lot more than you would in your own country. You get to meet new friends and it's all party and booze. But the opposite also holds true. You move to a place knowing just one person there. Then you find out it's actually difficult to make friends because people you met are at different stages of their lives. Or they're just so culturally different that you have no idea what they're talking about 20% of the time. It's your second language so you can 't freely make jokes. You have no one to come home to after a long day of work. Well, In reality your life is more of a mix of bright and dark sides.


I went to HK for just one brief visit even though I lived somewhere close. I didn't like it. It was all hectic and stressful. But now I guess it's also part of the charm. This film makes me want to live there or at least give it another chance. The energy of Hong Kong was coming through the screen and rushing towards me like a wave as the protagonists walk down the streets and alleys. I miss the chaotically energetic side of Asia.

Ruby Lin is the kind of person I strive to be. She's top-notch, confident, funny, and sensible. She's also very outspoken and brave. :)

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Extended Reading

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.