Hong Kong is tomorrow

Tamia 2022-04-20 09:02:45

This is a movie without any passion at all. From the beginning to the end, only the hero and heroine are in constant dialogue, either walking on the road or in a pub on the street. Except for the hero and heroine, there are almost no other actors. However, I still think this movie is quite interesting. The whole movie tells the story of a "spiritual derailment". Two people whose "three views" are completely wrong can live together for a long time, but they both need spiritual comfort. The director asked an unanswered question: Is spiritual cheating more terrible, or physical cheating more terrible? To put it simply, although I am with you, I am not going to be the person you ideal, but because of a chance encounter and a 10-minute conversation, I can completely change the trajectory of my life and follow a "strange". people"; when I meet this "stranger" again a year later, I will tell her how happy I have lived this year... Three and a half stars, a good grade.

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Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.