"Fate Saying Goodbye" Sober and ambiguous is an irresistible beauty

Elvie 2022-04-19 09:03:06

This is a good movie that you don't need to watch very seriously, you can be caught by it at any time. The clue is simple and light: it starts with a group photo under the gas lamp in Central, and ends when you get home from the undersea tunnel. A chance encounter, the fate of two years before and after, the Asian concept of 3 generations; vague, nervous, surprised and startled, sober and ambiguous. The male and female protagonists act "good", which is special because they are partners; the director Zhang Luo has many elements, and if you put it in the scene, it will not feel like a drama. It is fate that Emily Ding, the female director, also owns Taiwan. The mix experience of being born and living in Hong Kong after immigrating to the United States. Maybe the director/protagonist finds it confusing in and out of the movie, but when we watch the movie, we find it fresh and interesting. So, don't worry about life, there are always people who think you are fresh and fierce.

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Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.