Youth is like toilet paper is very long and very short

Kaitlin 2022-04-21 08:01:09

""Orange County Boys" so far,
thanks to the oranges who have been supporting for four years,
I wish you a happy Chinese New Year!!"

At first, I felt that the man in the play was either the neck was too thick or the eyebrows were too thick, and the woman was either too flat or too short. spanning three generations of marriage can be infinitely drama actually looked off last season saw above that part of the translator gives us some words I suddenly could not bear

although I think the last ending too soon but we still see a small Cohen grew up Seth and Summer Julie finally there is the combination of chaos finally came out Ryan Marissa leave grief evidently also want Taylor later became husband and wife in this relatively happy ending the

still youthful people never see tireless and youth-related TV Moreover oc Can also bring me some unrealistic imaginations, beautiful California beaches, surfing yachts, blue sky, beaches, bikinis, once imagined that I would also live in the show. I thought that Marissa’s departure was the biggest failure of the show, but it turns out that I still don’t have Marissa’s the oc. It’s beautiful. Maybe it’s not because of who, but the excitement that the entire Orange County brings to us. Just as every ending song can give us some throbbing, warmth and even tingling, we love beauty. The beach cherishes the youth that has run on the beach! !!

PS In the episode of Crazy Love...

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The O.C. quotes

  • Julie: [Gus is peeing outside near her trailer] Real classy, Gus.

    Gus: It's them big gulps. They go right through me. Sneak up on me too.

    Julie: That's a *nice* final image.

  • Summer: Your comic has turned these two idiots into idiots.

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