The loneliness we have nowhere to put

Kody 2021-12-31 08:02:37

Some movies are after you have watched them, but you have a lot of thoughts but you can't write them. You are full of thoughts but you don't know how to organize them. "The Pianist on the Sea" is such a movie that makes me want to stop talking.

After watching the film, my only feeling is loneliness, so lonely. But is 1900 really lonely? Many times later, I felt that he was not alone, he was full of inexhaustible musical inspiration, countless talents and countless flowing notes. He is not lonely. He makes us lonely. There is no genius gorgeousness, no natural goodness, no maverick capital, no fullness, no recognition and satisfaction in this world, so we are alone; we see ourselves in 1900 The humble self lacks the erratic ego, so we are alone.

As a person in this world, we have been given various titles and identities from birth to death. When we were born, our parents gave us a life-long code or name. We had to register with our household registration, and we had to apply for an ID card when we were eighteen; we were students at school, and we had to evaluate our job titles when we were introduced by others. It's someone's children, parents, friends, colleagues, who is the real me? When these things are removed, are we still us? Can we still find ourselves? 1900 is a child without a birth certificate. He does not belong to any country and does not have a name in our traditional sense. If he is dead, you can’t find traces of his existence in any information, and maybe not many people remember his existence. He also didn't have a tomb to store his body, but he had existed and lived in a real life. What did he use to prove his existence?

I have always felt that the life of 1900 was a manifestation of existentialism. He despised the rules and despised the rules approved by the society. He was afraid of going ashore, in fact, he refused to go ashore and despised going ashore. He values ​​his own existence more than the outside world recognizes himself. He can easily defeat the founder of jazz and express his contempt for him. He can earn countless fame and fortune with his talents, but he refuses the separation of music from himself. He can use music to go. Explore the hearts of all people, you can travel in music, you can find your own love, but he doesn't have to chase it like ordinary people, he gently throws these into the sea, and he takes back his foot on the land.

From the perspective of existentialists, human beings live in a world that is opposed to oneself and disappointed, and their status in the world is uncertain. Absolutely free people are also troubled and helpless lonely people. Although man has the freedom of choice, the future life he faces is chaotic and goalless. He just walks blindly to the future, he only knows that the true end of life is death. As the final destination of life, death is of great significance to the existence of individuals. So existentialists are pessimists. In their eyes, life is a tragedy.

The life of 1900 was inevitably a tragedy, a tragedy that he himself could foresee. "The city is so big that there is no end in sight. I stopped not because of what I saw because of what I didn't see, but because of what I couldn't see. The endless city has everything, but there is no end. I need to see the end of the world. When you get to the shore, where do you go? I love a woman, live in a house, buy a piece of land, look at a scene, walk a dead end, and I have too many choices. I am at a loss. There is no end, and you are not afraid of mental breakdown after thinking about it? How can I live like that? I can’t Abandon this ship, I would rather abandon my own life.”

I like to close my eyes and listen to the piano music played by 1900 to help my friend overcome seasickness over and over again, imagining myself sitting on that ship as the waves rise and fall. swing. The music at that time can swallow people, let you forget about it, let you be free, let you not feel your own existence, and let you feel the pleasure of existence very clearly. You can feel the flight, you can feel the rotation, you can feel the jump, just like traveling in early spring and surfing in summer. There is only beauty here, only the beauty of existence. I think this is life, and there is a living and beautiful existence.

Later I learned that most of the time in life is actually loneliness, the loneliness that we have nowhere to put in our hearts, the loneliness that is not recognized by the world. 1900 was lonely, so he chose not to go ashore for the rest of his life, living and dying with that floating city on the sea, but what about us? We don't have a city of our own, let us put our loneliness, let us escape everything we don't like, so we are more lonely and pitiful than 1900.

Many times, no matter how prosperous and noisy the world is, I am just a person as if on an isolated island. At this time, I am so lonely but there is no city where it can be placed. This city despises loneliness more and more. It does not allow you to be lonely. It does not give you time to be lonely. It makes you feel lonely as shameful. It wants you to blend into the torrent of love in the noisy ocean outside. It wants you to go ashore like others. , Take the same road, a road with no end in sight.

If you refuse to integrate, then you have to endure double loneliness, external and internal, so you are more lonely. And integration, it is a journey that will never be happy for a lifetime, the place you are landing is so light and fluttering, you can't feel your existence, you are still lonely, lonely with nowhere to rest

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.