blood is still cold

Camryn 2022-04-23 07:04:30

When I

remember taking a biology class when I was a child, when the teacher talked about antibodies, I thought that if a person lives in a completely sterile environment from birth, then when he grows up, for the first time Exposed to bacteria-filled air, you will surely be afflicted by various diseases.

As the saying goes, the flowers in the greenhouse have no resistance to the rain and wind from the outside world.


In the film, the residents of the Korean immigrant gathering place in South Korea, facing the harassment, smashing, and protection money of the underworld, are very annoying, but they can only choose to swallow their voices. This is for their survival, in order to protect themselves and The life of the family is a last resort. Just like what they said in the movie:

they will be driven out, and they will change their names and come back here. They are afraid of retaliation, and no one will say that they will
be stabbed in the back all day long. What are you talking about now?
If we accidentally say the wrong thing, those guys will just use the knife.
Only the child who works in the restaurant is not afraid. He shouted at the adults: But

if you know how to run away, are you going to be bullied all the time?
There is no way I can continue to live like this. I use the knife all day long. This is how people live.

This can't help but remind me of when I was a child, in a small Chinese county in the 1990s. The social conditions at that time seemed to be similar to those in the movie. Underworld forces are prevalent, and newspapers are full of reports of train robberies and armed fights. I have personally experienced several vicious incidents.

I feel that people at that time were more conscious of crisis. Children were sent to martial arts schools during summer vacations to learn martial arts for self-defense, and they were always vigilant when they went out.

It may be the increase in the employment rate, the improvement in education level, and the increase in anti-criminal actions. Today, our living environment is no longer the same. People speak softer, softer tones, and less aggressive.

I remember once, crossing the road with a friend, he was playing with his phone with his head down and strode forward.

I grabbed him: "Be careful with the car."

"What are you afraid of, they don't dare to bump into it anyway." He didn't care.

At the time, I was stunned. It was hard to understand how someone could be so heartless. Is this a question of whether or not to collide? What if it's a drunk driver? Or did he doze off? Drugged? Heart attack, mental illness?

Although a peaceful and stable life is what we have always pursued, we must not forget the historical lessons of being prepared for danger in times of peace and born out of trouble. Please always be vigilant and be responsible to yourself and your family.


, when chatting with an old man, I heard him tell some stories about the Cultural Revolution.

According to him, those who participated in the martial arts in those days were all junior high school and high school kids who rushed to the front, and the younger ones waved their flags and handed out flyers in the back, while those who went to college did not participate because they were afraid of dying.

He attributed the reason to the fact that young people are more vigorous.

But I think it's more a matter of responsibility. The older you are, the more you have a deeper understanding of family and responsibilities, and the more aspects you take into account when acting. It is no longer just to "die for the country" as soon as one's blood is pouring, but also to consider the feelings of the family.

Just like the children and other adults in the movie, it's not because the adults are cold-blooded and don't know how to resist, it's just that they have too many things to consider, and it is inevitable to look ahead. As the saying goes, "bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes", and those who wear shoes are naturally more timid.

But the blood was still not cold.

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