I don't feel comfortable watching this gangster.

Ron 2022-04-20 09:02:32

I have also watched some movies about Korean gangsters, and the two things that impressed me the most: in addition to the frivolous fights, the bloody scenes of punches and kicks are even more memorable to the audience; no matter how cruel and violent the Korean gangsters are, they are always held up in front of the police. If I can't start, "Criminal City" also feels the same to me. Putting aside national sentiments, the storyline of this movie is relatively compact, and everyone's attention is always on how the muscular man Ma Xidao brought the vicious Zhang Qian to justice. He rarely appears distracted in front of the screen, but I always feel that the reason The attention is so concentrated that it has to do with the Korean gang. From the director's perspective, the Koreans who travel far to South Korea do not talk about their compatriots for their own interests. The fights between the gangs, the ruthless search of the gangsters for their compatriots, and the absconding Zhang Qian's trio killed people with an axe. The final result is that the local gangster laughs In the end, such a plot arrangement and trend really made it difficult for the domestic melon eaters to accept. Compared with the movie "Shinjuku Incident", the narrative style and acceptability of this movie are still a bit worse. After all, the nationality of the director is different. In general, seeing this kind of realistic movie, for me who has never been to Korea, the kind of residential areas with buildings that are dirtier than in China, and the randomness of the police who are crowded into office buildings. , The rigid and old-fashioned style of doing things is deeply imprinted in my mind...

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