save the korean police

General 2022-04-20 09:02:32

Save them. They don't even have guns. They use baseball bats to catch criminals. There are only five or six people in a criminal police team. Dongxi is not one to ten, but also an egg

The three Korean gangsters are actually idiots, and they have died 10,000 times earlier in reality. This one is also provoked, that one is provoked, and the pen! Big fool! In reality, it was chopped into a lump of meat.

These three idiots committed crimes all the way to the end, they had to take pictures of the crowd to find clues

It's still very beautiful, but I hope Han Ying can get rid of this unreal "bad guy holding a watermelon knife and slashing from Nantianmen to Penglai Immortal Island" in the future.

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