You can't do anything with your fists, without your brain!

Skyla 2022-04-19 09:02:54

There is such an unwritten rule in a certain bank in the capital of a province in the Northeast not to lend money to ethnic Koreans because they have suffered too many losses. A certain percentage of people go to South Korea after getting loans, resulting in an increase in the bad debt ratio of the bank! I believe that the prototype in the movie, there is such a person, relying on the advantage of language, after committing a crime in China, he ran to South Korea to take refuge, and after committing a crime in South Korea, he ran back to China to hide!

The plot of the movie is quite simple. The police and the two underworld organizations in their jurisdiction get along "happily", but a group of murderers who escaped from China, relying on fierce fighting and unconventional thinking, quickly disrupted the situation. Finally, relying on the concerted efforts of the police, the underworld, and the people, the perpetrators will be brought to justice!

No matter what age, if you only rely on your fists and not your brain, you can't do anything!

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