Blow me up with these two bad guys!

Anastasia 2022-04-19 09:02:54

Watching "The World's Major Murder Record" before (there are two seasons at station B), you will be shocked that such a thing can happen on earth.

Simply horrific!

This group of perverted murderers committed numerous crimes, killing innocent people one after another.

The methods were extremely cruel . Some tied the victims as targets to practice guns, some beheaded them, and some crazily stabbed them with dozens of knives.

Unrepentant after committing a crime , some buried dozens of corpses in their homes, some placed their skin and bones in their homes like trophies, and some wrote letters to the police to provoke them.

At first, there was a little respect, after all they did something you would never dare to do. But after watching it, I found out that these perverts are not cool at all. Where are they brave, they are cowardly at all. The targets of violence they seek are always weak, predominantly female. Or prostitutes, or backpackers, or kids.

They pride themselves on being wise, being the gods of their victims, and getting a sense of excitement from the horrors of their death. They are essentially bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, what kind of thing!

You can either be a "benevolent" and fear everything; or you can be a "madman" and sweep everything.

You have a choice, and you take pride in hurting the weak, which is despised!

I want to talk about the two bad guys I saw in the recent movie, and they are totally different from them.

One is the "Joker" in the movie "Joker".

The film is very depressing. At first I thought I was watching a boring autobiography of a mental patient, until I saw a plot in the second half:

'Joker' dances wildly at home after killing mother who caused her pain. The doorbell rang, and two former colleagues came to visit, one was the "big man" who had planted the gun on him, and the other was the "little dwarf" who had suffered the same contempt and grievances as him. Two friends brought a bottle of wine to express their condolences over the loss of his mother.

The "clown" didn't say a word, took out the knife and stabbed the "big guy" to death.

The dwarf was so terrified that I thought he was going to die too. Because he witnessed the crime, if he wanted to cover up, he would be silenced. Unexpectedly, "Clown" chose to let him go. He said, "You are the only one who cared about me."

The dwarf went to the door, but could not reach the lock. The "Clown" who was paralyzed on the ground struggled to get up and opened the door for him, letting him out.

Does this bad guy have something to admire? He did not kill indiscriminately to vent his anger. He took revenge on those who had hurt him. His cruelty and even madness were a kind of struggle.

He kills magnanimously, he kills the damned, without covering up. The little dwarf is so weak, but he doesn't hurt him, he doesn't hurt innocent people.

He has been bullied, so he is not a bully.

Maybe he'll be arrested for it, so what! This is the principle, more important than fate.

He is not mentally ill and his spirit is cleaner than many people.

Another bad guy is from the Korean movie "Criminal City".

Three Korean men from Yanbian, China entered South Korea and immediately caused an uproar in the underworld. Because they have a plan, they have intelligence, and they are really ruthless! They are like giant beasts in the African wilderness, taking everything as prey.

The head of the three is called Zhang Qian, with sharp eyes, decisive action, no family members, no nonsense, and stubbornness.

He wants money.

Detain a small gangster who owes money and ask him to ask for 200 million usury loans. When the other party begged for mercy, he directly smashed his hand with a hammer and was good at repaying the debt.

So the boss of the gangster was forced to bring a few brothers to negotiate. He didn't talk about it, he killed it directly, and cut the boss's body into several pieces and discarded it.

He naturally annexed the gang.

He wants to make more money and plans to annex another gang. First nibbled up, and after being retaliated by the other party, he single-handedly rushed to the other party's mother's birthday party and hacked the other party to death.

He will never let anyone who influences his money making. In order to kill a big shot, he deceived the police, rushed to the other party's territory, and chased him for nine streets. Insist on stabbing a few times.

Did you find it? He is not afraid of the gang boss, and he is not afraid of the police.

At the end, the confrontation with the protagonist (who can slap a person unconscious) is really exciting. Even if he loses, he will never back down. His hand joints were broken, and he groaned in pain, but he still shouted loudly at the police.

If he was alive, he would not admit defeat and would not be convinced.

woman, he hits.

kid, he hit.

Old man, he hit.

As long as he feels betrayed.

The movie has no detailed description and no extras, but it gives him a story faintly. What kind of betrayal did he experience before to be so despairing of human nature? What pain did he go through to be so unyielding and unending?

He treated everyone as an enemy and turned his heart to stone. So he also turned himself into the enemy of everyone, which was his wish.

The world is big, and he is strong and lonely.

These two villains are very moving. The acting skills of the two actors are superb, and their interpretation of the characters is correct. They didn't act that kind of arrogance and evil, they acted the despair in their eyes. That terrifying despair.

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