As a haunted house designer, I was still frightened by the fact that my idol Yan Zhenqing turned into a zombie

Makayla 2022-04-24 07:01:23

After Halloween, I finally got some free time. But there is one more project on hand that needs to be done by New Year's Day. Thanks to the promotion of TV stations, haunted houses and escape rooms are becoming more and more popular, and they have become an important entertainment option for Generation Z.

In fact, the design of a haunted house is nothing more than a collection of various horror elements, and there is no technical content at all. You think, in the dark, you can't see the props clearly, and in the panic, you have no absolute reason to analyze the facts. Thousands of years of cultural accumulation, our ancestors have given us a lot of usable elements, which are really inexhaustible, such as zombies.

Most people's impression of Zong comes from Hong Kong movies in the past, and the tomb robbery novels that became popular later. All kinds of zombies are the protagonists. If the background is moved abroad, all kinds of mutant zombies will emerge in an endless stream. Although the reasons for becoming zombies may be different, in the end, they all scare the world with the most disgusting and terrifying appearance. That's why I love it too. Zombies always work as intended.

I like to use Black Zombie, which is the highest rank and scariest among traditional zombies. The black eyes are sunken, the skin is wrinkled black, not to mention the clothes, it is a kind of black between deep red and deep black, and at the same time exudes a "black air". In historical documents, black zombies have always been the most ferocious. If it appeared, then the entire area could be slaughtered.

Black stiffness is followed by green stiffness, with red eyes and green hair on the body. Maybe it was imagined by people based on Tang Sancai Town Tomb Beast. If such a strong contrasting color suddenly appeared in a dark confined space, it would surely scare the soul out. It may also be because the corpse has other germs and green hair.

The remaining types of zombies are red, yellow, and white, and their skills decline in turn, which may also be caused by poisoning or lack of training time. The ancients are also wonderful. In addition to distinguishing by color, there are many other types of rigidity, such as the "flying rigidity" covered with feathers, and the "hairy rigidity" covered with long hair. Some can fly, and some can dive. With that, Zombie has everything.

But when I heard that my idol, Yan Zhenqing, the great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, also turned into a zombie after his death, I shuddered. You must know that I visit his "Diligent Monument" every day, as well as some epitaphs. I didn't expect him to be a zombie. This fate is a bit of a miracle. Fortunately, Yan Zhenqing turned into a zombie, not to harm one party, but to die.

After the An-Shi Rebellion, Yan Zhenqing went to persuade the traitor Li Xilie to surrender as an envoy of the Celestial Dynasty. But Li Xilie couldn't listen to it for a long time, and Yan Zhenqing was forced to hang himself. After Yan Zhenqing's death, it was impossible for the rebels to bury him properly, so they simply restrained him and abandoned the coffin. It was not until Li Xilie was annihilated that the emperor ordered Yan Zhenqing's coffin to be transported to Chang'an for a burial. When people opened the rotten coffin and prepared to reopen the funeral, they found that Yan Zhenqing's body was as if he had just died. His skin was soft, his complexion was the same as before, his beard was blue and black, he saw his fists clenched, his eyebrows glared, and his nails It has never stopped growing and has grown to more than ten centimeters. The officials next to him were dumbfounded, so he hurriedly knelt down and worshipped, and recited aloud the imperial edict that the traitor had been rehabilitated and Yan's posthumous title, and then Yan Zhenqing was reburied.

It is very dangerous, if Li Xilie is still not quelled, Yan Zhenqing may become a red zombie and jump out to annihilate the rebels in one fell swoop. Later, some people said that because Yan Zhenqing was a Taoist believer, he might only be "immortal". Zombies in history are not necessarily as good as Yan's, but they are not all ferocious and terrifying stories. Gradually, a lot of humanized content has been added, and they have gradually warmed up, which must have helped a lot. Modern novels and movies have a lot of inspiration.

When I was a kid, I remember watching a zombie movie once, and I was so scared that I didn't sleep well all night. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw zombies rushing to lift my quilt. That night I was so frightened that I kept knocking on the radiator, and the whole family couldn't sleep well. Later, my father forbade me to watch these kinds of movies again, presumably because I was afraid that I would be scared out of luck or even fall into evil.

Who would have thought that when I grew up, I would do the job of "scare others with zombies" again. I'm really scared to watch it, and I'm scared to watch it. People are so cheap, their infatuation with adrenaline has not changed in 3.5 million years.

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