All I have is luck, all I lose is life

Davonte 2022-04-23 07:04:18

German movies are always too rational, and the actors' performances are like an undercurrent, which can only be seen if you have the heart. Ordinarily living side by side is more elegant than anything else. In this movie, there are some very trivial details of life. When the enthusiasm and youth are gone, the folds of the clothes climb up on the forehead, and there is only a long stream of water. In each other's world, it is the most beautiful scenery, although there is no praise, it is because I have long been used to silently appreciate it, and then, together for a lifetime. Those who die first are a kind of relief, and those who live are the loneliest. For his sake, Du Li gave up her dream of becoming a dancer and was willing to accompany him to live a quiet life in the small town. What Du Li lost was her life, the pursuit of a woman. When he found the book of Sakura, he cried, and the husband decided to help his wife find it in the last of his life.
Rudy wanted to know where did Du Li's soul go? When he was lying on the bed with his wife's pajamas neatly placed beside him, his hands were on the sleeves of Du Li's pajamas, but he still couldn't feel Du Li's existence; then, he put on Du Li's pajamas. Clothes, that warm lake blue sweater, they used to wrap this sweater together, blowing the wind by the seaside, talking, talking if we were about to die...
the seaside has always made me feel too Brilliant, the long white dress is in the direction of the wind, no, or against the wind. Then I stabbed my feet and walked on the soft fine sand. I felt like I was sinking in. It couldn't hold my feet, but just gently stroked them. Strangely, these images are all just one person. There is no him around. I think, at that time, most of what I thought about were other people's stories. Other people's stories were always too poignant and beautiful; my own stories were always too hypocritical.
Rudy was lucky enough to meet a kind Japanese dancer, Yu, who told him: "I can dance with dead people." Rudy believed. Maybe, he can also dance with Du Li, maybe, Du Li will come back, just like that night when he couldn't sleep, Du Li hugged him, simple movements, but all kinds of tenderness, he can also hug Du Li , to keep her, hold her, feel her love.
At the end of the film, Rudy dies silently by the sea. Before that, he finally met Du Li and danced with her. He felt Du Li's hand wrapping around him, her face gently pressing against his ear temples, and then his arms tightened around her, as inseparable as those two vegetable rolls.
You told Carl that he was happy. I am also convinced.
Wang Meng said that the sweet words that moved him most in the world were "holding the hand of the son and growing old together with the son". Bless Rudi and Du Li, they love each other and die together, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

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Kirschblüten - Hanami quotes

  • Karolin Angermeier: Your cue, mama.

    Klaus Angermeier: Go on, mama.

    Karolin Angermeier: Mama, please, 'The Mayfly'. Come one, mama. For us.

    Trudi Angermeier: 'Stop! What you're doing is murder!'

    Klaus Angermeier: 'Such cruelty is not a must... '

    Trudi Angermeier: 'The Mayfly has but one short day... '

    Karolin Angermeier: 'One single day of pain, one single day of lust... '


    Rudi Angermeier: 'Oh, let it hover there, until it meets it's end. It's heavens last forever. It's life one day to make amends.' Right, mama?