how do you know me?

Alexa 2022-09-11 13:42:46

It was the first time I saw so many old people in the cinema. For our generation, we don’t have much historical memory. We can only know some scars of the times in the literature and listening to the stories of our ancestors, so we cried when we saw it was too different from them. Grief and helpless pain. I didn't cry as hard as I imagined. The Cultural Revolution is a sensitive topic, so when making a film and television work, it must be presented and hidden... The climax of many emotions and events was not stirred up, (I don't know about this film. Was it cut when it was released?) At these moments, the forbearance and sadness of the piano song will sound quietly, the melody is simple, but just right... Tears will fall involuntarily, but it will not choked to the point of being breathless. Gong Li and Chen Daoming's acting skills are really good, Xiaohuiwen feels a little lack of strength~

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