"Return" - tears of three cents.

Annetta 2022-12-21 01:02:57

"Return" - tears of three cents.
As early as ten years ago, I discovered that Zhang Yimou was actually a speculator. Although objectively it seems to have caused some progress, the impurity of the purpose leads to congenital malnutrition, and the inability to tell stories is almost a common problem of the fifth generation. The national teacher first pretended to be anti-tradition, anti-story, biased the composition, biased color, etc., engaged in symbolism, scolded Xie Jin, scolded the third and fourth generations, and at the same time took the psychology of foreigners, and made the content lively and incest. , get a little wife or something, this is the name.
Immediately after learning from Ang Lee, looking for big stars to make martial arts films, looking for Jet Li, Maggie Cheung, Chow Yun-fat, Jay Chou, Andy Lau, Tony Leung, Jin Chengwu, etc., they are all male gods, goddesses, handsome guys and beauties. As for the story, it is basically a joke. Fudge, this is for profit.
Later, I asked Bell to shoot Thirteen Hairpins, as everyone knows, because of course it was Oscar. But are Americans so fooled? So in the end, he failed.
Just know that his thief is still not dead, he broke up with a friend a few years ago, and he tinkered with a "Return", and then cheated money, and tried to gain both fame and fortune. The national teacher begins to tell the story! Of course, it is definitely not the improvement of ideas, but the 100% mentality of stealing chickens. Even the title of the film "Return" is suspected of plagiarism. Recently, he participated in Jiao Xiongping's talk show. Jiao Xiongping dug a hole for him to jump in. I suspect that this idiot didn't react. The sentence "I still have Ang Lee!" completely exposed his sneaky psychology of stealing chickens and fame and fortune. , and he didn't take the other heroes in the arena in the slightest.
Groups of old guys in the cinema actually had to rely on others (maybe sons or grandsons) to help them in, staggering, and it seemed that they hadn't been to the cinema for more than 20 years. I think, I think, maybe this Chinese movie can only be saved by these old lights. The next movie theater became a funeral home. These old lanterns were crying, that was miserable, as if they suffered a lot of grievances back then, but why do I always feel that the country was so chaotic back then, so I just made fun of these old people who liked to coax What about the lights? This group of coaxing old Lanterns stood in the ranks of the sinners at that time, shouting slogans, just like now, this group of old Lanterns is coaxing to watch a movie in a group and crying hoarsely in the dark.
cry! cry! Crying is not a crime.
It's just that the dirt and tears of these old lights who don't know anything about movies are not worth even three cents apart from objectively leading a donkey to "Return". Of course, those who can be pulled in, remember, it is "pulling", and it can only be the brainless fans who watched Qiong Yao when they were young, and who watched Korean dramas when they were older.
The story of the national teacher contains several key words: fugitives, love, betrayal, and amnesia. Whoops! Dog blood enema!
Even if the national teacher fans are dissatisfied, you have nothing to do with me.

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