After all, the national teacher has not returned!

Deon 2022-11-15 11:16:09

The movie is very controversial. In order to avoid some unnecessary arguments with personal emotions, first of all I have to declare that this brief review only represents my personal feelings about the film after watching the film. You can think of it as a family. If there is no freedom to comment, praise is meaningless. I haven't read the original, but I have understood the story outline of the original before reading it. Please forgive me if there is any difference between the evaluation and the original.
1 A family ethics drama is constructed within the framework of the Cultural Revolution. The amnesia stalk of the original work is the core of its construction and the setting point of the second half to promote the plot. Before the film amnesia, both the dramatic conflict and the intensification of contradictions have performed well. If the conflict between the daughter and the mother is established, the conflict between the daughter and the father also needs to be left blank. The close-up of the mother's facial expression also shows the shield with the leadership spear. The necessary contradiction is thus created.
Besides, the comedy highlight of the film where the flyover failed to meet successfully, and the intervention of the plot to resist the arrest of the workers of the workers' propaganda team also aroused the sympathy of the audience. In this section of the bridge, the four people ran towards each other at the same time, which also caused the four conflicting points to collide for the first time. Unfortunately, the chemical reaction after the collision was not well represented. These are worthy of affirmation.
However, after amnesia, the film tends to make the heroine recall some bland and undramatic bridge settings. In some scenes after amnesia, even with the superb acting skills of the two protagonists, I still acted. This may have something to do with my distaste for dull films. In general, the overall script is bland and pale, and the rhythm is very slow.
The tragic and destiny scripts of characters in such a big era should have more time spans, which is to set up emotional foreshadowing and echo the later leaps. However, there are only two crossing points in the film, and the hearts of the characters before and after the crossing have not changed much due to the background of the times, and the contradictions standing in front have disappeared without being expressed. The effect of leaping is too single, such as the previous leap is only the return of consciousness, and the next one simply means the loss of time. There is also the escape from the beginning of the script and the lack of necessary attribution and description of the character background. Without these, it is difficult for the audience to agree to like this character. The sudden acceptance of suffering and sympathy is a bit abrupt.
3 The script is bland, and the music is followed by a fishy light song with only a single melody. I still don't agree with this soundtrack. Because the soundtrack is a good medium to stimulate the audience's emotional points and drive the rhythm of the story. Some scenes still need some different soundtracks, such as where is Master Fang. Speaking of which, Master Fang was expecting this conflict point to bring drama to the film, but I was disappointed that the conflict was just released.
4 The overall tone of the picture has changed from the past, colorful and strong, and adopts the old and dull gray tone. The iconic ceremonial uniform and the simple background restore the era very well, giving people a simple and simple atmosphere, and the texture of the Cultural Revolution has been washed away.
5. Not to mention the biggest highlight of the film, where is the first time Yan Shi meets Wan Yu when he returns. The close-up clips of the various expressions after the two were isolated by the prop door were very teasing, and the characters' psychology was vividly expressed. During this period, there is no line, which makes people feel suffocated. The performance of Xinmou girl can still be compared to Zhou Dongyu in Hawthorn. After all, she is not a performer who is so worthy of praise.
In general, I was a little disappointed after reading it, maybe my expectations were too high before! Personally, I don't think this is a bad movie or a good movie, and it lacks some of the elements of a good movie. But its unique temperament also shakes off most of the bad domestic films. 7.5 minutes to walk you.

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